5 Metaphors for reproductions

The pencil drawing, more than fifty years old, has become so faint that its reproduction has become a difficult task.

III A faithful reproduction of the main conditions of actual life was the characteristic of Theocritus' poetry.

Considering that reproduction was at first merely a form of growth, a discontinuous kind of growth, that seized upon sex as a splendid means to escape death, the chemical methods evolved arouse a sense of awe.

But while I have maintained that even the conception of reality as the reproduction of itself by an eternal self-consciousness is an inadequate conception, it is still possible to hold that reality is a connected whole, and that its true principle of unity is an ethical principle.

Nevertheless the earliest text of these 'Sketches' is, in many places, so artificial, prosaic, and dull, that its reproduction (except as an appendix, or in the form of footnotes) would be an injustice to Wordsworth.

5 Metaphors for  reproductions