18 Metaphors for retirement

Retirement and solitude are excellent things, Cicero always declares; generally contriving at the same time to make it plain, as he does here, that his own heart is in the world of public life.

His retirement to solitude and meditation at Littlemore had been outrageously misunderstood, and it was openly charged that his conversion was a cunningly devised plot to win a large number of his followers to the Catholic church.

The retirement of the civilian population before the advancing masses of the German army was a pathetic spectacle.

After the hurly-burly of l'affaire Dreyfus, he certainly needed some rest and privacy, but the question was whether retirement would be a necessity or a mere matter of convenience.

The only Companions which she admitted into that Retirement, was the Goddess Silence, who sat on her right Hand with her Finger on her Mouth, and on her left Contemplation, with her Eyes fixed upon the Heavens.

Sydney Smith had said that 'when a clever man takes to cultivating turnips and retiring, it is generally an imposture;' but in him the retirement was no imposture.

Surely this must have gone far to convince his friends that they would be more than justified in convincing him that retirement for awhile is his duty, or, if they cannot convince him, in acting upon their own convictions, if these are such as I hope.

This tranquil retirement, free from care or labour, was a rich reward for the faithful service of his youth.

My retirement here has been no sentimental sacrifice to Lord Maulevrier's memory.'

So retirement is at once a proof and a result of being distinguished by the possession of meritorious qualities.

Take any city-bred girl, who has been accustomed to late hours and the excitement of entertainments and parties, and who, by these unhealthful and killing rounds of so-called pleasure, has become emaciated and prematurely old, and place her in a well-regulated home,the country is by far the best, where early retirement is a rule, with a wholesome diet,and she will in a few weeks show a marked improvement.

His retirement was the result of honest differences of opinion respecting West India slavery with his political friends, then in the plenitude of their power.

The author's enforced retirement from the mission field in the midst of collecting and sifting material, has been no small drawback.

The German retirement was not at all a rout.

The Queen intrusted the task of forming a new administration to Sir Robert Peel, who undertook it with a reasonable confidence that he should be able to hold his ground better than formerly, now that the retirement of his predecessors was their own act, and admitted by them to have been caused by a consciousness of the divisions among their supporters and their own consequent weakness.

Anyhow, he steals away to this forsaken spot, far from the sea or the railroads, and builds a fine house on a worthless farm, showing that he has money, but that retirement is his main object.

We both decided that a retirement was the only alternative to being completely surrounded.

But this unnatural, unwise retirement was not the worst evil in the life of a primitive monk, with all its dreamy contemplation and silent despair.

18 Metaphors for  retirement