16 Metaphors for revival

But the revival of religion which is needed is not the kind which the churches are most apt to seek.

A revival is a social state, in which the social religious enthusiasm is stirred up.

The revival that transpired under his labors swept through the entire community, and gave an accession of more than one hundred members, a majority of whom were heads of families.

The revival of the hexameter in modern poetry is due to Johann Heinrich Voss, a man of genius, an admirable metrist, and, Schlegel's sneer to the contrary notwithstanding, hitherto the best translator of Homer.

Traces of the tendency may even be noticed where revival or acclimatization, rather than original invention, is the aim; we find it in the Shepherd's Calender, nor was it absent in the days of the romantic revival, either from the German Lenores or the English Otrantos.

The glorious commonplaces of historic teaching, as well as of moral inspiration, are to be found in the fact "that the preservation of national memories is an element and a means of national greatness, that their revival is a sign of reviving nationality, and that every heroic defender, every patriotic restorer, has been inspired by such memories and has made them his watchword."

The essential characteristic of this great intellectual revolution amidst which we are living to-day, that revolution of which the revival and restatement of nominalism under the name of pragmatism is the philosophical aspect, consists in the reassertion of the importance of the individual instance as against the generalisation.

The romantic revival is the Golden Age of English criticism; all the poets were critics of one sort or anothereither formally in essays and prefaces, or in passing and desultory flashes of illumination in their correspondence.

*** We hope that the proposed revival by a well-known theatre manager of The Sins of David so shortly after the General Election is not the work of a defeated Candidate.

Revival, the great, the Methodist and Baptist churches, under its influence become the leading churches of the West; enthusiasm of the religious leaders; their self-devotion.

" THE MODERN DRAMA The revival of the drama is a characteristic feature of the latter part of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century.

A revival was the constant object of prayer and effort on the part of earnest pastors and of the more devout among the people.

A revival is an awakening of the community heart and mind.

The religious revivals that have recently been conducted in various parts of the country were most carefully planned business schemes.

The revival of the steamboat trade on our great rivers, and the recovering from the railroads of at least a portion of the trade stolen away, is a pet hobby among river men generally, and especially among those whose parents taught them from the cradle up the true importance of the magnificent internal waterways bountifully provided for our native land by an all-wise Providence.

Grievously are they mistaken who think that the revival of literature was the death of superstitionthat ghosts, demons, and exorcists retreated before the march of intellect, and fled the British shore along with monks, saints, and masses.

16 Metaphors for  revival