74 Metaphors for revolution

This revolution as to dinner was the greatest in virtue and value ever accomplished.

The admirable order and discipline which have characterized its proceedings conclusively prove that the revolution is a well-organized movement, directed by men of ability, intelligence, and humanitarian principles.

VI p. 11) World revolution is one aspect of present-day society.

Such a revolution at such a price was not less Pompey's object than Caesar's.

Even the tranquillity which succeeded inglorious war was favorable to the rise of the middle classes; and the Revolution was as much the product of the discontent engendered by social improvements as of the frenzy produced by hunger and despair.

"The revolution which is at this instant being effected, and which we may regard as accomplished, is the elevation of the commons to an influence equal to that of the two other orders.

p. 250: I believe that further research would discover that the "agrarian revolution" was a key factor in the economic and social development of China.

Beyond the Alleghanies the Revolution was fundamentally a struggle between England, bent on restricting the growth of the English race, and the Americans, triumphantly determined to acquire the right to conquer the continent.

The English revolution of 1688 was an identification of the State with the Nation.

"Communal revolution is the end of the old governmental and clerical world, of militarism, of officialism (this new editor seems fond of words ending in ism), of exploitation, of commission, of monopolies, and of privileges to which the proletariat owes his thralldom, and the country her misfortunes and disasters.

This door would have been sold long ago to antiquaries or speculators if the house since the Revolution had not become the property of several persons all equally suspicious of one another, and with the Cadurcian bump of obstinacy equally developed.

The revolution of America is the most important event of the present century.

The internet revolution was a do-it-yourself revolution.

The revolution, when it comes, will be a question of hours, and it will be almost bloodless.

Indeed, I was perfectly convinced that a great revolution is never a fault of the people, but of the government.

One thing we do know,that the Revolution was a national uprising against injustice and oppression.

This revolution was the logically necessary application of the political revolution to the field of education.

This is the rule; and the slave revolution in Hayti was not an exception to it, but a case occurring under peculiar circumstances.

If the invention of gunpowder and printing in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries presaged the Reformation of the sixteenth, and if the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth was the forerunner of political revolutions throughout the Western World, we may well, after the mechanical and economic cataclysm of the nineteenth, cease wondering that twentieth-century society should be radical.

R.F. JOHNSTON Like political upheavals in other ages and other lands, the Chinese revolution has been the outcome of the hopes and dreams of impetuous and indomitable youth.

I sometimes think that American Revolution was a mistake for the Southern colonies, for South Carolina especially.

Hours at a time did Mark linger on the Summit, studying the stars in the clear, transparent atmosphere of the tropics, his spirit struggling the while to get into closer communion with that dread Being which had produced all these mighty results; among which the existence of the earth, its revolutions, its heats and colds, its misery and happiness, are but specks in the incidents of a universe.

The revolutions are the mean for the two sets of engines, and the i.h.p.

The second revolution of 1688 was the logical sequence of the first.

The greatest amongst them, however, is, perhaps, his "French Revolution, a History,"which is no history, but a vivid painting of characters and events as they moved along in tumultuous procession.

74 Metaphors for  revolution