90 Metaphors for rights

Human Rights is a monthly sheet of smaller size, and is edited by one of the secretaries.

If the trodden rights of the human soul are the slime of yesterday, how shall we found our empire to last?

He did, however, issue coins in his own name, although that right was ordinarily the prerogative only of kings.

Majorities, to be authoritative, must be legaland a legal majority without legislative power, right of representation, or even the electoral franchise, would be an anomaly.

That where this maxim is not allowed and adhered to, rights and liberties are empty sounds, is uncontestably evident; if this principle be forsaken, guilt and innocence are equally secure, all caution is vain, and all testimony useless.

The right to use according to will, is itself ownership.

The right is theirs now.

Come, let's away: fear not the victory; Right's more advantage than an host of soldiers.

To force a woman to demand the "restitution of conjugal rights" when such "rights" have become a horrible wrong; to compel a man to commit, or perjure himself by pretending he has committed, adultery, before he can get the State to face the fact that his marriage is no longer a realityis this to uphold morality?

SELF-RIGHT is the foundation rightthe post in the middle, to which all other rights are fastened.

She wanted to be mistress of that infinite wealthshe could not renounce that right to which she fancied she had been born, her right to be one of the Queens of Society: and the only man who had offered to crown her as queen, to find her a palace and a court, was Horace Smithson.

Albere, or right of shelter, was the principal charge imposed upon the noble.

It is conceded on all hands, that the right to be free CAN NEVER BE ALIENATED.

Nations, like individuals in a state of nature, are equal and independent, possessing certain rights and owing certain duties to each other, arising from their necessary and unavoidable relations; which rights and duties there is no common human authority to protect and enforce.

His right remained still "opposite Fredericksburg," barring the direct approach to Richmond, but his left extended up the Rappahannock beyond Chancellorsville, and all the fords were vigilantly guarded to prevent a sudden flank movement by the enemy in that direction.

But a greatly enlarged Quebec, with a population of ninety thousand, and stretching far into the unsettled West, was to remain equally French-Canadian; though the rights of what it was then thought would be a perpetual English-speaking minority were to be safeguarded in every reasonable way.

The right of capture was the only argument, that the ancients adduced in their defence.

The right is the place for you.

This right of separation is simply the liberum veto resuscitated for the benefit of federal institutions.

When, therefore, the threat of war is insufficient to call attention to its own claims the concert must begin; the obligation is unconditional, and the right to fight becomes the duty to make war, incumbent on the nation and statesman alike.

The right of seal was a fee or fine they had to pay for the charters which their lord caused to be delivered to them.

it is Universal Suffrage, it is the Right of the Republic, it is our Right that we are defending, and our Right, soldiers, is your Right.

He has virtual controlthat is to say, the wife's rights are merely provisionalin Alabama, New Mexico, and Missouri.

From the observations I had made, when inspecting these trenches, I knew that the extreme right of our position was a bit to the right of this farm, so I and my performing troupe decided to go through the farmyard and out diagonally across the field in front.

The right to vote is the qualification for holding most offices; additional qualifications are prescribed for very important offices, in the Federal and state constitutions.

90 Metaphors for  rights