10 Metaphors for routines

Routine (the most humdrum of words) is travel along a way already broken.

This is what Mohammed felt and now declared to be of infinite moment, that idols and formulas were nothing; that the jargon of argumentative Greek sects, the vague traditions of Jews, the stupid routine of Arab idolatry were a mockery and a delusion; that there is but one God; that we must let idols alone and look to Him.

The mechanical routine of technical parsing is peculiarly liable to become monotonous and dull, while the practice of explaining the various relations and offices of words in a sentence, is adapted to call the mind of the learner into constant and vigorous action, and can hardly fail of exciting the deepest interest,"Wells's Gram., 3d Th., p. 181; 113th Th., p. 184.

Except for our tent the camp routine is slack.

The usual routine at Tubac, in addition to the regular business of distributing supplies to the mining camps, was chocolate or strong coffee the first thing in the morning, breakfast at sunrise, dinner at noon, and supper at sunset.

Routine is a powerful factor in this very conservative country, where so many things exist simply because they have always existed.

The dull routine of business and of social life is Dead Sea fruit to our lipsdust and ashes.

The routine is simplicity itself.

The routine of duty prescribed is the following:Rise at 5 A.M. in summer, and 5-1/2 in winter; double up bed and mattress, &c., and study till 7; then fall in and go to breakfast; at 7-1/2, guard-mountingtwenty-four cadets are on guard every day; at 8, study; at 1 o'clock, break up, fall in, and go to dinner, which they rise from at the word of command, and are then free till 2.

r school routine was a new thing at Wissan Bridge.

10 Metaphors for  routines