37 Metaphors for rulers

And he said, "What chief or what ruler is this, that thou commendest so highly, and sayest that he perished at Troy?

This ruler is probably the Nergal-sharezer of Jeremiah 39:3 who directed the final capture and destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. After reigning four years he died, leaving the Babylonian empire to his young son, who soon fell a victim to a conspiracy of his nobles.

*** "Home Ruler" was the occupation given by a Chertsey woman on her sugar-card application.

And the richer the monasteries became, the greedier their rulers were.

And to-day I am of the opinion that a greatly enlarged Montenegro would run the danger of becoming a little Russia, in which the best ruler would be lost in the intricacies of the intrigues and personal ambitions that facilitate corruption and injustice, and where the worst ruler might easily become a curse to all his neighbors.

Consolidation of the gentry Kao Tsu died in 195 B.C. From then to 179 the actual ruler was his widow, the empress , while children were officially styled emperors.

He who achieveth this task, viz., ascertaining where the ruler of the Nishadhas is, bringeth him and my daughter hither, will obtain from me a thousand kine, and fields, and a village resembling a town.

The rulers of that dynasty were thoroughly repulsive figures, with no positive achievements of any sort to their credit.

The ruler of Germany was the Chancellor of the Federation; it was he alone that united and inspired the whole.


Russia may not find the German idea of a Polish plus Bohemian border State so very distasteful, provided that the ruler is not a German; Germany may find the idea still tolerable if the ruler is not the Tsar.

For these religious reasons a central ruler was a necessity for the feudal lords.

The wise ruler of the Nishadhas, Nala by name, of great celebrity, heroic, and ever victorious in battle, and learned, is my husband.

'No doubt for state reasons the Emperor had to tamper a little with Mahomedanism, and I daresay he would attend this Church of St. Paul's as readily as he did the Mosque at Cairo; but it would not do for a ruler to be a bigot.

The new rulers of the country were mostly very young men, who were conspicuous for their enthusiasm and their daring but not for their judgment and experience.

The temporal ruler is also the spiritual ruler, the king, the chief pastor, and the clergy his servants.

More than 60,000,000 of the inhabitants accept Jesus Christ as an inspired teacher and worship the same God that we do under another name, and more than three times that number believe that the Ruler of All Things is a demon who delights in cruelty and slaughter and gives his favor only in exchange for suffering and torture.

In Germany the ruler is the artist, always painting the happy German like a portrait; in France the Frenchman is the artist, always painting and repainting France like a house.

O ruler of earth, that hawks eat pigeons is the eternal provision.

Next he ordained that the rulers of senatorial provinces should be annual magistrates, elected by lot, unless any one had the special privilege accorded to a large number of children or marriage.

Four of the privates are now actual rulers of states with several millions of subjects and more than thirty are future maharajas.

But the real ruler of the land, on the accession of Anne, was the favored wife of Marlborough.

The alien rulers were first the Mongols, and later the Tungus Manchus.

These new rulers of Messana were Campanian mercenaries.

The ruler who by his injustice and persecutions fanned the smouldering flame of Jewish patriotism into a mighty conflagration was Antiochus Epiphanes.

37 Metaphors for  rulers