50 Metaphors for rung

Let the drama called '[S']akoontalá; or, the Lost Ring,' be the subject of our dramatic performance.

For I had the strongest conviction that the ring was a necessity to materialization.

Five minutes later the Luck Ring, once the 'luck,' but now the 'bane,' of the Anderson family, was no more than a little solid splash of hot metal.

"May the gude God o' heaven sain you," he said "and ferd you for aye, for the braw deed ye hae dreed the day; tak' this wee ring, gudemon, and tak' ye this ane, gudewife, and when ye look on this and on that, I rede ye render up are prayer to him abune for the weal o' Charles Edward, your unfortunate prince.

As they turned away again, her new ring blazing upon her finger, there was a buzz of congratulation around her.

The reddish rings at the insertion of the leaves is another distinguishing feature.

This golden ring, which thou hast worn Upon thy finger since the morn, Is but a symbol and a semblance, An outward fashion, a remembrance, Of what thou wearest within unseen, O my Fastrada, O my queen!

Those, however, who want to hear the true musical quality and tone of these bells must select a quiet time, as the Bull Ring is not a particularly peaceful spot in the busy hours of day.

And then methought my dream was changed; The streets no longer rang Hushed were the glad Hosannas the little children sang.

The ring was no plain hoop of gold; it was garnets all the way round.

At seventeen she was still living under her father's roof, and between her and Luke Merlyn the pearl ring still remained a token.

But when the impassioned voice rings with trumpet notes through a vast audience, appealing to what is dearest to the human soul, lifting the mind to the contemplation of the sublimest truths and most momentous interests, then there is real eloquence, such as is never heard in the theatre, interested as spectators may be in the triumphs of dramatic art.

In this case the rings should be only half a brick each, so that the wedge need not be so very much wider at back than at face, and they are set in cement, as that material adheres so closely and sets so hard.

None of the people I have met since my marriage have seemed to think it possible that I should care for Augustus, or that my wedding-ring should be the slightest bar to my feelings or their advances.

The jeweler, who had wound EDWIN DROOD'S watch for him on the day of the dinner, promptly identified the timepiece by the innumerable scratches around the keyhole; Mr. BUMSTEAD, though at first ecstatic with the idea that the seal-ring was a ferule from an umbrella, at length allowed himself to be persuaded into a gloomy recognition of it as a part of his nephew, and MONTGOMERY was detained in custody for further revelations.

He could not tell from their behavior whether she or her hostess was to blame for his recurring disappointment; but the fact was, that his ring at the door-bell was the signal to Juliet not to be alone.

That was local politics in Iowa when Ring was a pup.

When we had seen "handsome Jack Barnes" imperturbably pompous for two hundred nights in succession, it became too much for us, and the almond rings were the result.

They were the admiration of the kitchen; and even Aunt Henshaw and Cousin Statia allowed that ear-rings were a great improvement; and I began to think that on my return home they would even throw Ellen Tracy's curls into the shade.

Class III.The concentric rings are all but invisible, also the hilum in the majority of granules.

"May the gude God o' heaven sain you," he said "and ferd you for aye, for the braw deed ye hae dreed the day; tak' this wee ring, gudemon, and tak' ye this ane, gudewife, and when ye look on this and on that, I rede ye render up are prayer to him abune for the weal o' Charles Edward, your unfortunate prince.

The so-called ring was a square, twenty feet each way.

This ring of rough, reddish hair, tied with a cigar ribbon and lying atop the beads, was Bluff's best tail curl.

The ring was a world too fine; And would it had sunk in a forty-fathom sea, Ere the morn that made it mine.

" "And what skills what I do with a piece of common glass?" "Thou errest, friend; thy ring is not common glass.

50 Metaphors for  rung