6 Metaphors for rustling

The forest groans; the whizzing rustle of the waving leaves becomes a hollow murmuring sound, which at length resembles the distant roll of muffled drums.

That rustle was a voice of childhood, youth, and manhood, whispering to him, thrilling as never before.

Every rustle of the corn-husks in the mattress underneath Was to me a ghostly whisper muttered through a phantom's teeth, And the mice behind the wainscot, as they scampered round about, Filled my soul with speechless horror when I'd put the candle out.

I thought every rustle in the bushes was a bear or a panther.

A spectral rustling, as the darkness falls and the black cloud approaches, is the fallen leaves in the copse, lifted up from their repose and dashed against the underwood.

It was all deadly black and deadly silent, but the rustling of the girl's dress, as she hurried before them, was their guide.

6 Metaphors for  rustling