8 Metaphors for scepticism

Scepticism has ever been the bugbear of youthful vanity, and it is considered knowing to quarrel with existing institutions and established truths; our experienced reflection regrets this inclination and we become weary of distracting ourselves with endless difficulties.

But our scepticism is not an open negation; it is rather a sorrowful, anxious suspicion that perhaps there is nothing,a dense fog around our minds that stifles the breath and hides from us the light.

though, perhaps, scepticism in an American, in his discriminating mind, would have been deep erudition correcting the upstart islanders.

An innate scepticism, a profound levity, an antipathy to enthusiasm that wavered between laughter and disgust, combined with an unswerving devotion to the exacting and arduous ideals of social intercoursesuch were the characteristics of the brilliant group of men and women who had spent their youth at the Court of the Regent, and dallied out their middle age down the long avenues of Sceaux.

Scepticism has been the great sweetener of modern life."

Scepticism both in its advantages and disadvantages is greatly misunderstood in our time.

This is a kind of instinctive fear, against which scepticism is no safeguard.

Indeed, the scepticism of that generation was the most uncompromising that the world has known; for it did not even trouble to deny: it simply ignored.

8 Metaphors for  scepticism