7 Metaphors for schoolhouse

But the beautiful schoolhouse at Aluga and all the houses and churches on the planina and at Bukowitza, the haystacks which had so picturesquely dotted the plain, and which were to have furnished the winter subsistence of all the flocks of the region, were ashes.

You feel this in the air as soon as you see the white-painted wooden houses left out in the snow, the austere schoolhouse, and the peoplethe men of the farms, the women who work as hard as they with, it may be, less enjoyment of lifethe other houses, well painted and quaintly roofed, that belong to Judge This,

The log schoolhouse of the Irish teacher became the nursery of revolution.

Every schoolhouse was a hospital; indeed I think there can be no schoolhouse in the zone of actual hostilities that has not served such a purpose.

"The first schoolhouse was a colored school.

The schoolhouse was a bleak little structure of wood, from whose walls the winds and rain had taken the paint.

On the marriage of his eldest brother in the summer of 1845 the widowed mother came to keep house for him, and henceforth the Oldcambus schoolhouse became the family headquarters.

7 Metaphors for  schoolhouse