70 Metaphors for sciences

Man's justice is God's justice; man's mercy is God's mercy; man's science, man's critic taste, are insights into the laws of God himself.

The Science of healing is the Truth of healing.

And if it be tolerated or even ignored now, the age of universal education, when the sciences, and anatomy among them, shall be the heritage of all, will be heralded by a cry of anguish from the brute creation that will ring through the length and breadth of the land!

Wealth generated luxury with its artificial delights of science and the theater, which make us more unhappy and evil than we otherwise are; science, the child of vice, becomes in turn the mother of new vices.

Exact sciences not yet born shall be my servitors and the augmenters of my fame.

The German-a powerful and firmly-built manwas on him at once, but Cecil's science was the finer.

* Science and literature are "the nourishment of youth, the delight of age, the ornaments of prosperous life, the refuge and consolation of adversity, the companions of our weary travels, of our rural solitudes, of our sleepless nights.

Its science is the symbolism by which these propositions are presented to the mind.

Physical science at that time was the most uncertain of all knowledge, although there were great pretenders then, as now, who maintained it was the only certainty.

The inherent defect of this method of obtaining information is the possibility of deception, and for that reason science still looks askance at all evidence drawn from this source.

In that country, where they laugh ever and se jouent de tout, Science is sacred;the Academy has even pas of the army; honors there are higher prized than the very wreaths of glory.

Of all things in this wicked and perplexing world the science of theology should be the most cheerful and inspiring, for it involves inquiries on the loftiest subjects which can interest a thoughtful mind.

SCIENCE To some she is the Goddess great, to some the milch-cow of the field; Their care is but to calculatewhat butter she will yield.

In reality, the two do not agree, and even "science is in no respect a plain transcript of reality;" but so intimate are feeling and the outer world, that the inward report is to be regarded as practically a correct one.

As modern science becomes the basis of speculation about religion, and gives expression to these doctrines, it will develop mysticism.

Science is power.

He is a botanist, and his science is botany.

Their science is a mere matter of what to do with arms and legs.

Perhaps the old science of divination was not so entirely a delusion; and then I remembered all the old stories in Roman history of people who had come to grief by neglecting the oracles.

Art is art, after all, be it ever so skilful and triumphant, and science is only a slow reading of hieroglyphs.

And not simply the general usage: "Science is measurement," Science is "organised common sense," proud, in fact, of its essential error, scornful of any metaphysical analysis of its terms.

SCIENCE is a principle of knowledges, 130.

'Science' has been such an entity ever since Francis Bacon found again, without knowing it, the path of Aristotle's best thought.

" "Science is not the end of man," declared Simoun.

In the politics of the distant future that science of eugenics, which aims at rapidly improving our type by consciously directed selective breeding, may become a dominant factor, but it has had little influence on the politics of the present or the past.

70 Metaphors for  sciences