20 Metaphors for scriptures

Now, say they, the Nicene Creed is really nothing more than a verbal explication of the common Creed, but the clause in the Athanasian ('which faith', &c.), however fairly deduced from Scripture, is not contained in the Creed, or selection of certain articles of Faith from the Scriptures, or not at least from those preachings and narrations, of which the New Testament Scriptures are the repository.

[Footnote *: "Heart of the Commonwealth," is the American title of the town of Worcester.] Gentlemen,Just as the Holy Scriptures are the revelation of religious truth, teaching men how to attain eternal bliss, so history is the revelation of eternal wisdom, instructing nations how to be happy, and immortal on earth.

We believe the Scripture 'Of a truth God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness is accepted of him.'

This was not conclusive, and Lord Byron replied, that they wished him to prove that the Scriptures were the Word of God, which the doctor, with more than apostolic simplicity, said that such was his object, but he should like to know what they deemed the clearest course to follow with that object in view.

They kept alive evangelical religion until the time of Cranmer and Latimer, their distinguishing doctrine being that the Scriptures are the only rule of faith.

This is the character of God, unless Scripture be a dream of man's imagination.

And the scripture that was in the tables were the ten commandments as fore be written.

And with what wonderful scriptures are their pages filledmyriad forms of successive floras and faunas, lavishly illustrated with colored drawings, carrying us back into the midst of the life of a past infinitely remote.

"No, the Scriptures are the legacy of the early Church to universal humanity; they are the equal and treasured inheritance of all nations and tribes and kindreds upon the face of the earth, and will be till the day of judgment.

In this sense we are all fools, and the Scripture alone is arx Minervae, we and our writings are shallow and imperfect.

Socinus can have no claim upon my veneration: I have never concerned myself with what he believed nor with what he taught &c. The Scripture is my authority, and on no other authority will I ever, knowingly, lay the foundation of my faith.

SCRIPTURE, the sacred, which proceeded immediately from the Lord, is, in general and in particular, a marriage of good and truth, 115.

"The Scriptures are an authoritative voice, reproving, instructing, and warning the world; and declaring the only means ordained and provided for escaping the awful penalties of sin.

The "confession of faith" includes the declaration that the Scriptures are the guide to eternal life; that there is a Supreme Being, and his Son, and the Holy Ghost, and that man is made in his image.

Bishop Hall, Leighton, and Jeremy Taylor, and other old divines afforded her great strength and refreshment, whilst the Scriptures were her daily study and delight.

"The scripture are the oracles of God himself.

"The Scriptures, or Bible, are the only authentic source."Bp.

Of him it might have been said in Cowper's words: 'Scripture is still a trumpet to his fears.'

Ambit nos Deus (Austin saith) donis et forma sua, he woos us by his beauty, gifts, promises, to come unto him; "the whole Scripture is a message, an exhortation, a love letter to this purpose;" to incite us, and invite us, God's epistle, as Gregory calls it, to his creatures.

; writes an epitaph on, ii. 225, n. 3; iv. 424, n. 2; recommends his first volume, iii. 333, n. 2; Mediterranean as a subject for a poem, iii. 36, n. 3; Milton, undertakes an edition of, i. 319, n. 4; Omai, the 'gentle savage,' iii. 8, n. 1; overwhelmed by the responsibility of an office, iv. 98, n. 3; Pope's Homer, criticises, iii. 257, n. 1; 'Scripture is still a trumpet to his fears,' iv.

20 Metaphors for  scriptures