15 Metaphors for selling

This Joseph Sell was an imaginary personage who had come into my head.

SELL UNIVERSALIS is a startling, electrifying, flesh-forming, paralysing, stupifying, and sparkling Intoxicant.

Sell is the more dignified word socially, but may express greater moral degradation.

" Another would set a sum"If a pound of mutton-candles cost sevenpence-halfpenny, how much must Dobbin cost?" and a roar would follow from all the circle of young knaves, usher and all, who rightly considered that the selling of goods by retail is a shameful and infamous practice, meriting the contempt and scorn of all real gentlemen.

The selling of themselves or children to slavery was always the practice among the German nations [c], and was continued by the Anglo-Saxons

The selling of dry-goods is another department in high art about which the ignorance of outsiders is ineffable.

"That drink-selling of his is the thorn among my roses of content, and I don't see how to put it down just at present.

The selling or the killing being virtually a deliberate repetition of the crime, the penalty was more than doubled.

The farmer could by higher wages attract more labor, but as the selling of the harvest remains a haphazard matter, the venture might mean ruin all the more certain and serious were wage outlay large.

But of all their side lines souvenir-selling was the most profitable.

Printing and book selling became a profitable business, and with the application of block print to textiles (probably first used in Sung time) another new field of commercial activity was opened.

The selling of these things, or rather the collecting of them, was the pleasure as well as the business of Monsieur Bienvenu, and he had stored in his mind as many legends of the old town as he had stored treasures in his low-browed, musky-smelling shop.

The selling of western lands, which he had obtained for a mere trifle, had been the chief source of revenue in building up his fortune.

The selling of this Scotch Joseph to America was more purely and simply a pecuniary transaction than that recorded in Scripture; for in that the unkind and jealous brothers sold the innocent boy for envy, not for the love of pelf, though the Ishmaelites bought him on speculation.

At the tables of members of the Society of Friends, it is very rare to see either wine or malt liquor introduced; while, as already noticed, the selling, using, or giving ardent spirits is so great an offence as to be made the subject of church discipline.

15 Metaphors for  selling