14 Metaphors for shoulder

The shoulder, then, became, in its turn, the chief object of my studies, and I gained therefrom clear and indisputable principles.

With a hoarse cry of sobbing-pain and shame, the brave little man came over, both shoulders on the mould, and the scientific old veteran was again the victor.

Geoffrey's broad shoulders were the only sufferers, but the rough homespun which covered them was a better protection than his uniform would have been, and he again blessed the good fortune which had thrown the disguise in his way as he left Fairfield four days before.

Loaded and straight shoulders are very bad faults.

His stooping shoulders, his pink appearance, his beaming glasses, became a "feature" of Tunbridge Wells.

There are three thermometers: the eyebrow is the thermometer of the mind; the shoulder is the thermometer of the life; the thumb is the thermometer of the will.

The thumb is the index-sign of life; the shoulder is the sign of passion and sentiment; the elbow is the sign of humility, pride, power, intelligence and sacrifice.

Thick shoulders are equally a blemish to be avoided, as also a too great heaviness of bone.

Across the horse's shoulder was a ragged tear, black against the tawny gold of his coat.

Shockingly badly-trimmed shoulders are becoming quite a common thing to see in Airedales.

His shoulders were an expression of latent mightpower to break a tree-trunk at its base; by the conformity of his muscles he was agile and quick as a tiger.

Around Aunt Patsy's shoulders was a bright blue worsted shawl, and upon her head a voluminous turban of vivid red and yellow.

"To tell the truth, I'll be glad to go, not only because of" He hitched his shoulders towards the corner whence came the hoarse and muffled breathing of the Denver clerk.

Deep, sloping shoulders are his speciality; and they cover a multitude of sins.

14 Metaphors for  shoulder