5 Metaphors for soled

That one of the principal factors in the treatment of canker is a restoration of ground-pressure to the frog and the sole is sufficient proof of this.

st sole, source of information concerning Crabbe is the Memoir by his son prefixed to the collected edition of his poems in 1834.

From the same Negro lord I received the foot of a full-grown elephant, the sole of which was three spans and an inch in diameter; which, together with a tooth of twelve spans long, I presented to Don Henry on my return, who sent it afterwards as a great curiosity to the Dutchess of Burgundy.

THE SOLE.The sole is a thick plate of horn which, in conjunction with the bars and the frog, forms the floor of the foot.

A fried sole was the luxury which officers who served in the Boer War declared that they enjoyed most of all after their campaigning.

5 Metaphors for  soled