4 Metaphors for sourest

"My wife wants to stay another year, to save money; and this opposition of wishes, though it will not be as sour as lemon, yet 'twill not be as sweet as sugar."

And our Moll, catching this humour, did also turn up her nose at everything she was offered, and would send away a bottle of wine from the table because 'twas not ripe enough, though but a few weeks before she had been drinking penny ale with a relish, and that as sour as verjuice.

It was as sour as vinegar.

Now in thy parlour feasting me, Now scribbling at me from your garret, Till, 'twixt the two, in doubt I be, Which sourest is, thy wit or claret? Should you again see the Noble Scott before he goes, remember me most affectionately to him.

4 Metaphors for  sourest