8 Metaphors for span

of Glasgow, of which it is practically a suburb; a handsome bridge spans the river; has been a royal burgh since 1126, and has interesting historical associations.

The span will be 28 inches.

The elegant bridge, whose span is 105 feet, is a prominent feature in the landscape.

The clear span of Cabin John Bridge is 220 ft.

The pillars of it go up like the brawny trunks of heroes: the sweet human flesh of men and women is moulded about its bulwarks, strong, impregnable: the faces of little children laugh out from every corner-stone: the terrible spans and arches of it are the joined hands of comrades; and up in the heights and spaces there are inscribed the numberless musings of all the dreamers of the world.

Look up, thenthat thy little span Of life, may be well trod!

"But, oh, such a little span of happiness was theirs!

One of the worst limitations I feel is the fact that there are so many thousand people on earth whom I could love, if I could but meet themand I am not going to believe that this wretched span of days is my only chance of meeting them.

8 Metaphors for  span