88 Metaphors for species

These species were Myristica insipida, discovered by Mr. Brown, on one of the Prince of Wales group of islands on the North Coast; Cryptocarya triplinervis, Brown; bearing ripe fruit, Abroma fastuosa; and an undescribed Eugenia.

The last mentioned species is the supposed idol of the Hottentots; the person on whom the adored insect happens to light, being considered as favoured by the distinction of a celestial visitant, and regarded ever after as a saint.

This species, though never seen in Eastern Massachusetts, is a common resident in this latitude, west of the Green-Mountain range.

The dualistic species is the theism that reached its elaboration in the scholastic philosophy, while the monistic species is the pantheism spoken of sometimes simply as idealism, and sometimes as 'post-kantian' or 'absolute' idealism.

The other species are purely laymen, and are sui generis.

There are ticks, poisonous ants, waspsof which some species are really serious menacesbiting flies and gnats.

Reduced to plain terms, the argument seems to be: Species are ideas; therefore the objects from which the idea is derived cannot vary or blend, cannot have had a genealogical connection.

The two existing species are African.

(The species represented in the Cut, or, the Nine-banded, is the most common.

"Many species of flowers are admirable barometers.

Other species of less interest are E. pungens, of which there is a variegated variety; E. Simoni, a neat Chinese shrub; and E. latifolia, of good habit and with large leaves.

The other species which are distinctly characterized are L. pedunculata, L. viridis, L. dentata, L. heterophylla, L. pyrenaica, L. pinnata, L. coronopifolia, L. abrotonoides, L. Lawii, and L. multifida.

Other species that might be included are V. canadense, V. stamineum, V. frondosum, and V. ligustrifolium.

When the matter is divers and confused, how should it otherwise be, but that the species should be divers and confused?

Both species are somewhat tender, although hailing from the coast, swampy grounds of the southern States of North America.

Bush interprets the decree to mean that "some species of toilsome occupation is the appointed lot of all men.

The most ordinary species of valve in the feed pumps of locomotives, is the ball valve.

A microscopic, vegetable organism; certain species are active agents in fermentation, while others appear to be the cause of infectious diseases.

In summer the finely-cut foliage is of a bright green, and in autumn it changes to a rich orange, which lasts after the other species have become russet and brown.

'Velut aegri somnia vanae Finguntur species' is his motto.

Reg.), a Japanese species, and its variety R. rugosa alba, are beautiful shrubs that have proved themselves perfectly hardy and well suited for extensive culture in this country.

The other species of this fury are enthusiasms, revelations, and visions, so often mentioned by Gregory and Bede in their works; obsession or possession of devils, sibylline prophets, and poetical furies; such as come by eating noxious herbs, tarantulas stinging, &c., which some reduce to this.

The various species of Corylopsis are very ornamental garden plants, and to be recommended, on account of their early flowering, for prominent positions in the shrubbery or by the woodland walk.

" ANCESTRAL WORSHIP "Their respect for ancestors is very great, so much so that the species of idolatry which has by far the strongest hold upon their minds is ancestral worship.

That such closely related species may be only varieties of higher grade, earlier origin, or more favored evolution, is not a very violent supposition.

88 Metaphors for  species