6 Metaphors for spices

] BLACK PEPPER.This well-known aromatic spice is the fruit of a species of climbing vine, and is a native of the East Indies, and is extensively cultivated in Malabar and the eastern islands of Borneo, Sumatra, and Java, and others in the same latitude.

It is the growth, however, of the same countries; indeed, all the spices are the produce of tropical climates only.

The spices usually used for mulled wine are cloves, grated nutmeg, and cinnamon or mace.

The spice of life is battle; the friendliest relations are still a kind of contest; and if we would not forego all that is valuable in our lot, we must continually face some other person, eye to eye, and wrestle a fall whether in love or enmity.

The spices used for pickling are whole pepper, long peppers, allspice, mace, mustard-seed, and ginger, the last being first bruised.

CLOVES.This very agreeable spice is the unexpanded flower-buds of the Caryophyllus aromaticus, a handsome, branching tree, a native of the Malacca Islands.

6 Metaphors for  spices