25 Metaphors for sports

The best sport in it is the gamesters, and he enjoys it that looks on and bets not.

62 sq. Wiedemann also observes that the sports in which young couples engage in the woods on this evening are not always decorous (Aus dem inneren und äusseren Leben der Ehsten, p. 362).

His ordinary sports are cock-fights, but the most frequent, horse-races, from whence he comes home dry-foundered.


This sport, which is very exhilarating, was the delight of the late King of Persia, Aga Mahomed Khan, whose taste is inherited by the present sovereign.

At that time, and for many ages afterwards, the sport must have been merely a rude pastime, perhaps as destitute of the science of the present system, as of the vices, which are too generally engendered by it.

Those village sports were really a pretty sight.

Though her sports were masculine, her character was feminine.

Sport, which is spreading more and more amongst us too, must always remain a means of recreation, not an end in itself, if it is to be justified at all.

The Whitsuntide sports were always a great speciality on Cotswold, and continue to the present day, though in a somewhat modified form.

All the sports of the gymnasia were either games, or special exercises for the contests of the public festivals.

A quail fight, a battle between two trained rams, a cock fight, even an encounter between trained tamed buffaloes, are very common spectacles in the villages; but the most popular sport is a good wrestling match.

He lived in comparative idleness, amusing himself with horse-races, hunting, and other "manly sports," such as became country gentlemen in the "olden time."

There was a spirit of freedom and social equality pervading the place which only belongs to assemblies where sport is the principal object and pleasure of all.

These sports were spiritual exercises and trials of skill, 207.

Jamison's Sport is an important dog historically, for various reasons.

" Fozbrooke tells us that the Whitsuntide sports are the floralia of the Romans.

Hunting parties were common, cricket and hockey matches were frequent, and in the cold weather, which is our slackest season, fun, frolic, and sport was the order of the day.

Sport is the only department in which the ornate and orotund style of which Mr. ASQUITH is a master is still in vogue, and the description of classic events in classical diction will furnish him with a congenial opening for the exercise of his great literary talent.

It matters not which horse, man, car, cycle, boat, or team is successful: the sport is the thing that counts; the strenuousness of the contest is what stimulates and evokes the rapturous applause.

Though sports has been my first love, reporting on sports has been an add on.

With a good horse under one, a fair country, with not too many pitfalls, and 'lots of pig,' this sport becomes the most exciting that can be practised.

This sport, which is very exhilarating, was the delight of the late King of Persia, Aga Mahomed Khan, whose taste is inherited by the present sovereign.

And I say to you that this sport is a wonderful thingfull of interest as well as madness.

Occasionally a snake-eyed aborigine mingled with the throng, gazing in wonder on the scene, or a negro, granted a half-holiday, stood grinning with barbarous delight on what was more sport than punishment in his eyes.

25 Metaphors for  sports