164 Metaphors for stepping

Her very step was a kind of dance, and she must needs fall a-carolling of songs like a lark when it flies.

"But the very lowest step is the best of all.

Divest reason of its trust, and the universe stops at the impersonal stagethere is no God; and yet, if the first step in religion is the greatest, how is it that the freest and boldest speculator rarely declines it?

Twenty steps, now, to the hotel, and surely there was still hope.

According to Spencer, the steps of knowledge are three: the co-ordinating of sensations in a living organism; the registering of impressions within the organism in such a way as to build up a store of experiences; the transmission of the organism and its susceptibilities to offspring.

But the fifteen steps in the American system are a symbol of the name of God, Jah. WINE.

This step, however, was a good deal facilitated by means of Joel's sally-port, the overseer having taken, himself, all the precautions against detection of which the case well admitted.

The first step of the process of digestion is mastication, the cutting and grinding of the food by the teeth, effected by the vertical and lateral movements of the lower jaw.

The marchesa's steps are noiseless, her countenance grave and pale.

The next step is a stoppage of specie paymenta total degradation of paper as a currencyunusual depression of prices, the ruin of debtors, and the accumulation of property in the hands of creditors and cautious capitalists.

The first step in his cure was the public swallowing by a conjurer of a board of wood, 'about the size of a barrel-stave,' twice as wide across as his mouth.

Even what we know to be good and important hangs but wearily together; every step is an end, and every step is a fresh beginning.

The steps in the exposition of a term are a. Definition.

" "You're right," cried Agrius, and, remembering that the first step of a journey is the most difficult, he lead the way to the benches forthwith

Every downward step of those shadows was to the feverish imagination of Sandersen a forecast of the coming of SinclairSinclair coming in spite of the posse, in spite of the price upon his head.

The first step is trod upon.

The steps are a simple matter, and I have often thought a charge of gunpowder would improve that bit where the rock hangs over.

The first steps on the part of the prince were a new invasion of Flanders, and an attempt on Antwerp, which he hoped to carry before the Spanish army could arrive to its succor.

The witty Prince de Ligne, the handsome Comte de Vaudreuil, the clever M. de Boufflers, and his step-son, M. de Sabran, with such men as Diderot, d'Alembert, Marmontel, and Laharpe, were the original habitués of Mme.

The controversy which followed between the ecclesiastics and their opponents was the cause of the repeal of the freedom of the Press; and when he had stifled controversy his next step was the suspension of Parliament.

It was not, therefore, the step of this trusty guardian which fell sharp and quick on the stone stair outside the office, nor was it his hand, nor pass-key, that opened the door to admit Mr. Bargrave's nephew, assistant, and possible successor in the business, Tom Ryfe.

Nor is it improbable that the hasty steps that seem to bear the unwilling servant from the presence of the Master are the very ones that most speedily bring him face to face with his duty.

Had she for a moment given way to apprehension, had her step been a thought less firm, her eye less peaceful, then indeed the world itself would have seemed to be sinking under his feet.

The first step was the purchase of two slates from Caffray, for which I gave him several dollars.

The next step to greatness was his election by the peoplethrough the use of immense amounts of borrowed moneyto the great office of Pontifex Maximus, which made him the pagan Pope of Rome for life, with a grand palace to live in.

164 Metaphors for  stepping