55 Metaphors for substances

"Discussion now commenced, and all expressed the opinion that perhaps the yellow substance might be gold.

It is moreover to be observed, that there is no substance without a form; an unformed substance not being any thing, because nothing can be predicated of it; and a subject without predicates is also an entity which has no existence in reason.

Substance is an individual being endowed with force.

The substances found in the soluble inorganic matter of soils are lime, magnesia, alumina, silica, phosphoric acid, oxide of iron, oxide of manganese, potash and soda.

Now to say that a substance is a poison is not to say that it inevitably kills; it may be apparently innocuous, if not incidentally beneficial.

Whereas the said Mary mentions divers times in this former writing that she heard a voice, this said Mary affirmeth that she did & doth know that it was the voice of Katherine Harrison aforesaid; and Mary aforesaid affirmeth that the substance of the whole relation is truth."

That the stimulating substance was not the acid itself, was shown by the failure of the reaction to occur when the acid was injected directly into the blood stream.

This colouring substance is, however, never a deep green.

A substance that can undergo little change in shape without breaking or rupturing is ~brittle~. Chalk and glass are common examples of brittle materials.

The substance of a man's eye is not the light: on the contrary, the eye borrows, every moment, the light from the rays of the sun.

The appearance of an Illinois settler in those days was rather picturesque than elegant,substance before show being the principle upon which it was planned.

Slave owners are bound to give their slaves three meals a-day, and the substance thereof must be eleven ounces of meat or salt-fish, four ounces of bread, and farinaceous vegetables equal to six plantains; besides this, they are bound to give them two suits of clothesall specifiedyearly.

As the essence of Matter is gravity, so, on the other hand, we may affirm that the substance, the essence of Spirit is freedom.

The milky fluid is procured in the same way, but it is placed in vessels to evaporate, and the solid substance left at the bottom is the gutta-percha.

The main substance which clothes the bony framework of the body, and which forms about two-fifths of its weight, is the voluntary muscular tissue.

In reality, wherever extension is, there substance is also,the non-existent has no extension,and wherever space is, there matter is also.

Substance and accident, substantive and adjective, are expressions for subjective processes of thought and hence do not hold of things in themselves.

At least, several writers tell of coal in the vicinity of Havana, but the substance is probably only a particularly hard asphaltum.

From first to last the Mother church seemed type and shadow of the warfare between the flesh and Spirit, even that shadow, whose substance is the divine Spirit, imperatively propelling the greatest moral, physical, civil, and religious reform ever known on earth.

The substances used to preserve the tissues are Canada balsam, Dammar balsam, glycerine, Farrant's solution, potassium acetate, spirits, naphtha, and creosote.

The substance on which the enameling is performed is lava in slabs; the same substance has since been used as the basis of certain enameled designs; it is much superior in some points to porcelain in this application, because the necessary exposure to fire does not cause it to crack in the manner that porcelain does.

This soft substance is, in fact, the remains of the creature to which the Globigerinoe shell, or rather skeleton, owes its existenceand which is an animal of the simplest imaginable description.

The substance we call protoplasm is an albuminoid, like the white of an egg, and it forms the flesh of both plants and animals.

Mr. Bynoe, however, having since visited Australia, has turned his attention to the subject, and the result of his experience, which will be found below, tends to overthrow the opinion I have previously expressed, to the effect, that this substance is the exudation of a tree, not the deposit of an insect.

Its substance has been relationship.

55 Metaphors for  substances