9 Metaphors for substitutions

I am afraid lest that substitution of a shell (a flat falsification of the history) for the household implement, as it stood at first, was a kind of tub thrown out to the beast, or rather thrown out for him.

Substitution and conception are terms of quite different import, and many authors have explained syllepsis by the latter word.

That the substitution of the chorus for the Sapphic ode is an improvement from the poetic point of view will hardly be denied, yet this improvement has been attained at the cost of some dramatic sacrifice.

I found it was generally agreed that the substitution had been a success.

Now to us in this country, so near the sources of abundant supply of soda saltpetre, this substitution becomes a matter of great interest.

Dr. H. C. Trumbull, in his work on "The Blood Covenant," thinks that the origin of animal sacrifices was like that of circumcision,a pouring out of blood (the universal, ancient symbol of life) as a sign of devotion to the deity; and the substitution of animals was a natural and necessary mode of making this act of consecration a frequent and continuing one.

The substitution of female for male actors, in feminine characters, was also an innovation of this period.

The substitution for all this of the quiet and decorous family life of the Crabbes was naturally a hoary blow and grave discouragement to the village reveller, and contributed to make Crabbe's life at starting far from happy.

But grant the obvious fact, that substitution is one thing, and ellipsis an other, and his whole argument is easily overthrown; for it is only by confounding these, that he reaches his absurd conclusion. OBS.

9 Metaphors for  substitutions