45 Metaphors for swift

Dean Swift is a case in point.

Nor let us forget that Swift was himself the inventor of the phrase "Sweetness and light.

"Well, then, this kid told the truth in every particular, even when he declared that Dick Swift is a dirty liar.

Swift was a clergyman and politician; Addison was secretary of state; other writers depended on patrons or politics or pensions for fame and a livelihood; but Pope was independent, and had no profession but literature.

"Great is the earth, high is the heaven, swift is the sun in his course."1

Swift is his messengers' going, But slowly he saps their halls, As if by delay deluding.

The last of his race, where the first saw the light, The monarch had met, and triumphed in fight: Swift, swift was the steed, o'er Shinar's wide sand, But swifter the arrow that flew from Death's hand!

So swift was Doone's coming that, by the time she had reached her feet again, he was beside her, and they leaned over John Mark together.

" What chain so strong, what girth so great, To bind the giant form of Fate? Swift are the steps of Woe.

Dr. Johnson one evening roundly asserted in his rough way that "Swift was a shallow fellow; a very shallow fellow."

" Swift and Defoe were steady enemies, although I do not find that either mentions the other by name.

Dean Swift was the mightiest journalist that ever stirred the sluggish soul of humanity.

A ray for a ruddera thought for a sail Swift, swift was each bark as the wing of the gale.

That Swift is the most original writer of his time, and one of the greatest masters of English prose, is undeniable.

The swiftest was Reelfoot, the Placerville cattle-killer that could charge from a thicket thirty yards away and certainly catch a steer before it could turn and run, and that could even catch ponies in the open when they were poor.

Swift is the storm, roaring against the ice and frost of the late spring of English life.

Swift be its flight!

Swift alone, we suspect, was his match; but his power lay rather in severe and pungent sarcasm, in broad, coarse, though unsmiling wit, and at times in the fierce and terrible sallies of misanthropic rage and despair.

Swift was a cynic; his pen was driven by hate, but Thackeray's by love, and it was not in bitterness but in sadness that the latter laid bare the wickedness of the world.

When Swift was a young man, and not so well acquainted with the world as he afterwards became, he wrote some Pindaric Odes.

' Swift, not then a deserter to the Tories, was a friend of Steele's, who, when the first 'Tatler' appeared, had been amusing the town at the expense of John Partridge, astrologer and almanac-maker, with 'Predictions for the year 1708,' professing to be written by Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq.

Swift are his feet.

Before Bishop Wilkins alludes to his flying chariot, he remarks, that even if men could fly, the swiftest of them would probably be half a year in reaching the end of his journey; and hence a problem would arise, "how it were possible to tarry so long without sleep or diet?"

Swift is thy spirit's path, and strange withal, And hot thy love and hate, where'er they fall.

From the day of his entrance, it may be said, into the orders of the Church, his first thought was for it; and on all political questions which touched Church matters Swift was neither Whig nor Tory, but churchman.

45 Metaphors for  swift