33 Metaphors for tails

Handsome though the black-tail is, the white-tail is the most beautiful of all deer when in motion, because of the springy, bounding grace of its trot and canter, and the way it carries its head and white flag aloft.

"He threw down a biskit so sudden that Joseph, thinking it was a stone, went off like a streak o' lightning with 'is tail between 'is legs and yelping his 'ardest.

We must believe that our tail, dark invaders were a race of seamen, thoroughly skilled in the dangerous navigation of these dark seas; Caesar marveled at, and imitated, the ship-building of the natives of Brittany in his day; we equally admire the prowess of their sons, the Breton fishermen, in our own times.

A tail is a simple and beautiful object, rhythmic in curve and soothing in texture; but it is certainly one of the minor but characteristic qualities of a tail that it should hang behind.

But with him, too, the tail is the sheet-anchor, by which he can hold on, and bring all his four feet to bear on his food.

The Schipperke's tail, or rather its absence, has been the cause of much discussion, and at one time gave rise to considerable acrimonious feeling amongst fanciers.

The "cat o' nine tails" was a whip of nine straps attached to a stick; the straps were perforated so that everywhere the hole in the strap fell on the flesh a blister was left.

" One day Wolf Tail was out hunting, and Bull Turns Round sat in front of the lodge making arrows, and a beautiful strange bird lit on the ground before him.

Wherever the monkey goes, whatever she does, the tail is the standing-point, or rather hanging-point.

Before the godlike countenance of man appeared on the earth, with its contractile forehead and erectile eyebrows, the answering light of the eye, the expansive nostrils, and subtilely mobile lips; before that the tail was the prime vehicle of emotion and safety-valve of passion.

Every day the tigers went to the village in search of the cat; but when the dogs barked they slunk away; for the tigers were very frightened at the sight of the dogs' curly tails; they thought that the tails were nooses and that they would be strangled by them.

From the nose to the root of the tail he measures about eight inches; and his tail, which he so effectively uses in interpreting his feelings, is about six inches in length.

And the tail were a fully convincing sight; But the heart of the Saint Ne'er once turned faint, And his halo shone with redoubled light.

Thy tail is straight and crisp, thine eyes dart flames, the mane upon thy neck flies in the wind, as on we dash upon our maddened course.

Its serrated tail is a formidable weapon of defence, with which, when alarmed or attacked, it deals rapid blows from side to side.

The said tail is a greatly-esteemed article of food, as, indeed, is the whole body at certain seasons of the year.

" Maude Adams, sitting looking into the fire, did not see Fussie, but was amazed to hear John Drew departing madly from the text: "Is this a dog I see before me, His tail towards my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.

"If the tails was feathers, I'd ate 'em.

The tail of the boat is a recent development.

The body is a rich living green, red wings, yellow beak, and black throat; there is a tuft of vivid red as a topknot, and the tail is a brilliant blue;

If the tail is a rudder, where should you look to find it in its most simple and efficient form but among the flycatchers, which make their living by aerial acrobatics after flies?

Now Bunny Cotton-Tail was a very clever rabbit, even though he was getting old.

To a howler, or spider-monkey, its long tail is a swing and a trapeze in its forest gymnasium.

The tail is an instrument of great muscular force, and largely assists the fish in all its motions.

If we draw a complete diagram (Fig. 4), and admit that the alteration of the solar waves persists indefinitely, we shall see (supposing the phenomenon to begin at a) that when the comet is at a 1, the tail will and be at a 1 b; when it is a 2 the tail will be at a 2 b'; and when it is at a 4, the tail will have become an immense spiral, a 4 b'''.

33 Metaphors for  tails