5 Metaphors for tarred

Hearts of oak are our ships, Gallant tars are our men; We always are ready: Steady, boys, steady!

Though our bold tars are fortune's sport, may they ever be fortune's care.

TOMMY ATKINS, the British soldier, as Jack Tar is the British sailor, from a hypothetical name inserted in a War Office schedule at one time issued to each soldier.

I grew hot with anger as I began to realize what a humiliation this tarring and feathering would be to herand

But have you never, in all your wanderings, met with those whom, you can call your friends?" "A rough old tar like me, I must say, would not be the most inviting craft to interchange signals with, but, thank God, I have found one, in my long life of wanderings who was worthy the name of friend!

5 Metaphors for  tarred