13 Metaphors for teaming

My team was one yoke of oxen and one yoke of cows.

Goats upon the mountains ramble, And in harness sometimes amble; But a tandem-team like this, Is a sight you should not miss.


" "And there's really a vast improvement in the freighting teams as well; for so many dogs that do not quite make the racing teams become freighters and show the results of their breeding and training there.

A team or two had already been that way and had broken a track through the snow.

The teams they played were the sort of sides which the Wrykyn second eleven would play.

Then it came the turn of Sammie Littletail's team again, and they got four runs, and so it went along until at the close of the game Sammie's team was eight runs and Buddy's only seven.

[eBook #11689] Language: English Character set encoding: iso-8859-1 ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ARE WOMEN PEOPLE?*** E-text prepared by papeters and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team ARE WOMEN PEOPLE?

The Chicago team always was a puzzle to all parties to the race, including itself.

But his teams of horses were the admiration of the country sideno such horses came into the market town.

Jimmie's team's a peach, an' so's his sled; but Jim drives like alike a girl," finished Mr. Kelly scornfully, with the tone of one who disposes of that contestant effectively and finally.

A Frenchman, about thirty years ago, M. Simond, in his Travels, mentioned incidentally the following hideous scene as one steadily observed and watched by himself in France at a period some trifle before the French Revolution:A peasant was ploughing; and the team that drew his plough was a donkey and a woman.

And the school team aren't such a lot of flyers that you can afford to go chucking people out of it whenever you want to.

13 Metaphors for  teaming