9 Metaphors for telephoned

Most of the rival claimants who sprang up, once the telephone had become an established fact and had proved its value, were men of neither prominence nor scientific attainments.

The telephone was a great triumph of science, next in importance to steam locomotion.

The telephone has become a necessity of modern life, so that if through some means all the systems were destroyed business would be, for a time at least, paralysed.

the telephone became the world's nervous system, and aeroplanes began to multiply like summer flies.

The telephone to town, of course, was far the quickest mode of communication, and having given his order he waited ten minutes till the tube babbled and croaked to him again.

Once the telephone began to be used as a substitute for the telegraph in conveying messages, the telegraph officials awoke to the fact that here, possibly, was a dangerous rival, and dropped the viewpoint that Bell's telephone was a mere plaything.

The telephone had become a dumb thing.

Then the telephone becomes a tinkling terror, because it tells you of the sudden deaths of men and women that you knew intimately, and the prickly-heat covers you with a garment, and you sit down and write: "A slight increase of sickness is reported from the Khuda Janta Khan District.

The telephone was the keynote of the evening and played a prominent part in the table decorations.

9 Metaphors for  telephoned