14 Metaphors for temperance

Temperance is the form and well-regulated dominion of reason over lust and other improper affections of the mind.

Instead of asceticism, Hellenic temperance is the virtue prized by Raphael.

Temperance is a naked woman, with hair twisted in the knots and curls of a Greek Aphrodite.

This temperance in the use of supernatural power is the masterpiece of Christ.

"Temperance, is that pound cake, or sponge?" "Pound.

"Thou hast played at ball, and thou hast been temperate," said Zadig; "know that there is no such thing in nature as a basilisk; that temperance and exercise are the two great preservatives of health; and that the art of reconciling intemperance and health is as chimerical as the philosopher's stone, judicial astrology, or the theology of the magi.

"Temperance, more than medicines, is the proper means of curing many diseases.

"Temperance is as good a cook as ever," said one; "she is a prize, isn't she, Mis Morgeson?"

Temperance and religion, if not morality, were to him mere cant words, and whether he was observed, either before dinner or after dinnerin the parlor or out of ithis words and manners were anything but those of a quiet, modest, English gentleman.

But temperance is not abstinence.

Thanks, however, to the improvements in modern society, and the high example shown to the nation by its most illustrious personages, temperance is, in these happy days, a striking feature in the character of a gentleman.

"Temperance, is that pound cake, or sponge?" "Pound.

Temperance is a bridle of gold, and he that can use it aright, ego non summis viris comparo, sed simillimum Deo judico, is liker a God than a man: for as it will transform a beast to a man again, so will it make a man a God.

His temperance and severity of manners were his chief praise.

14 Metaphors for  temperance