36 Metaphors for ter

" "The rich stevedore's son, Dr. Miller?" "Yas, suh, dat's de man,you knows 'im. Dis yer boy wuz jes' gwine 'way fer ter study ter be a doctuh, an' he ma'ied dis Janet, an' tuck her 'way wid 'im. Dey went off

When Sandy wuz wid me he had on gray clo's, an' when we sep'rated he wa'n't in no shape ter be changin' his clo's, let 'lone robbin' er killin' anybody.

so 's ter be by hisse'f a little, en at de same time ter look atter a rabbit-trap he'd sot down in de aidge er de swamp, w'en who sh'd he see stan'in' unner a tree but a w'ite man.

En ole Mars Dugal' des drunk it all in, des 'peared ter be bewitch' wid dat Yankee.

But ez I wuz a-sayin', dis yer Skundus growed up ter be a peart, lively kind er boy, en' wuz very well liked on de plantation.

"So Sis' Becky hug' en kiss' little Mose, en tol' 'im ter be a good little pickaninny, en take keer er hisse'f, en not fergit his mammy w'iles she wuz gone.

It's ruther small work fur ter be foolin' an old woman.

I 'sumes cha'ge er yo' house, dere ain' gwine ter be no 'vided 'sponsibility; an' as fer dis Julia, me an' her couldn' git 'long tergether nohow.

I heerd tell about ye at the trial, but supposed ye ter be an older man.

He purten' ter be a cow-doctor, but eve'ybody knowed w'at he r'al'y wuz.

I wouldn' let nobody e'se nuss yo' baby; an' mo'over, I'm gwine ter come an' nuss you too.

"Didn' 'pear ter me it went quite plunk enuff yistiddy fer ter be pull' befo' termorrer.

I sorter looked 'round, an' sized up four o' that crew ter be good honest sailormen, who'd been shanghied same as I wus.

"Of course youse can tell wheder the baby is gwine ter be a boy er girl fore tis born.

It might be a cuttin'-out party; this ain't no coast fer any honest sailors ter be huggin' up to,

"No, it ain't ready, an' 't ain't gwine ter be ready 'tel you tote dat wood an' water in," replied aunt Milly severely, as she poured two teacups of boiling water on two tablespoonfuls of ground coffee.

Wil-lie wise-ly kept his charge upon the moun-tain's side un-til the wa-ters had in some de-gree sub-si-ded; but he was a-larm-ed when he de-scend-ed in-to the val-leys to find that, in ma-ny pla-ces, the wa-ter was im-pass-a-ble to his charge.

But his wife say no, it 'ud nebber do ter be lett'n' de sarvants hab dey own way, er dey soon wouldn' be no doin' nuthin' wid 'em.

Then, with an extraordinary dignity, looking deep into the man's eyes, she said slowly: "I tole you that because it's God's truth, and sorter justifies your comin'; but I aim ter be an honest woman, and you must help me to remain so.

"Blessed are the poor"I tell yer, some day I'll be clearin' out, Leavin' all this dressin' nonsense, 'cause I'm goin' ter be a scout, Same as "Deadwood Dick," a-killin' all the Injuns on the plains: He do'n't comb his hair, you bet yer; no, nor wash, unless it rains.

An' den 'way back yander jes' after de wah, w'en de ole Carteret mansion had ter be sol', Adam Miller bought it, an' dis yer Janet an' her husban' is be'n livin' in it ever sence ole Adam died, 'bout a year ago; an' dat makes de majah mad, 'ca'se he don' wanter see cullud folks livin' in de ole fam'ly mansion w'at he wuz bawn in.

" "That's what yer are," exclaimed the captain, "how come yer ter be huggin' the shore so hard?" "Trying to avoid a collision with another vessel.

Anybody ax me who I b'longs ter, I ain' got no 'casion ter be shame' ter tell 'em, no, suh, 'deed I ain', suh!"

Lawd yes squeech owls en dogs howling under de house shi God means dar is going ter be a death in de family.

"Is you gwine ter chu'ch ter-night?" inquired his wife.

36 Metaphors for  ter