5556 Metaphors for them

They are the most delicious of all berries.

When they are properly cut, they will be well nigh priceless.

The Foot-Guards are the very élite of the whole army; they are the most perfect of the faultless in form and in health.

" "A song or two I ha'," quoth the Cobbler, "poor things, poor things, but such as they are thou art welcome to one of them."

Walk the Sequoia woods at any time of year and you will say they are the most beautiful and majestic on earth.

It is not reasonable, then, to suppose that all or nearly all the cases of sickness, whether in hospital or in camp, can be recorded, especially at times when they are the most abundant.

They are by far the most popular of his works, and since their first publication in 1851, they have done much to build up his fame.

They are the greatest in our history.

The excitement and surprise were a great shock to the old man, while to Amelia they were the greatest happiness that could have come to her.

Seeing me look relieved, though somewhat surprised, she said merrily: "I have plenty more of them at home, and they are ALL CHARMING, every one of them!

On Claudius and Genucius, because they had been consuls elect for that year, the honour was conferred in compensation for the honour of the consulate; and on Sestius, one of the consuls of the former year, because he had proposed the plan itself to the senate against the will of his colleague.

They're a trifle skittish, that's all.

They are very dainty in their dress.

I can only say that they are the most wonderful of all the human monuments in India.

" The examples of a vocabulary he gives show them to be Algonquins, and not "Skroellings," or Esquimaux, as they are represented to have been by the Scandinavians (vide Ant. Amer.), who visited the present area of Massachusetts in the tenth century.

They were the advance of the whole Rebel army, sir, and I saw they must be driven back.

Intensely painful and disgusting these plagues must have been to the Egyptians, for this reason, that they were the most cleanly of all people.

They are the transport, and only fighting men belong in front of them.

Their leaders had had high social positions in their English homes, and their ministers were chiefly graduates of the universities, some of whom were fine scholars in both Hebrew and Greek, had been settled in important parishes, and would have attained high ecclesiastical rank had they not been nonconformists,opposed to the ritual, rather than the theological tenets of the English Church as established by Elizabeth.

They are all of them valleys, extending from north to south, and lying side by side.

When the snow was no longer fit for sledging, Williams, the factor, noted that there were many who had not come, and the accounts of these he later scratched out of his ledgers knowing that they were victims of the plague.

Oh, Buck, they's a tingle in the tips of my fingers still from the time I had 'em in his throat.

Whose'omeever they was, I hain't no idea, nor how they got there; but they was women's gear.

Like most men of fifty or thereabouts, and like every man who finds himself at that age a bachelor rector of a remote country parish, Parson Chichester had collected a number of small habits or superstitionscall them which you will: they are the moss a sensible stone gathers when it has ceased rolling.

They were a long while there exchanging disagreeable opinions of one another, and Casey was even obliged to climb the steep bank and whip the driver of the Ford because he had applied a word to Casey which had never failed as automatic prelude to a Casey Ryan combat.

5556 Metaphors for  them