58 Metaphors for theory

The whole right theory of trade is a give-and-take between men and nations, based on a just price, and with a deep law of Value, not yet wholly formulated, underlying each transaction.

The theory that the end justifies the means has never been a favourite with honourable men, and some at least of the means by which the Union of Great Britain and Ireland was carried would have left fatal stains upon the noblest cause that ever yet inspired the breast of man.

In order to prove the second side of this alternative, it is necessary to show not merely that it is possible that they were not used, but that the theory is the more probable of the two, and accounts better for the facts.

If these theories are the true explanation of the plateau, we see that it is not to be regarded as a time of reduction in learning, to be contemplated with despair.

The implicit theory that supported the intermarrying German royal families in Europe was that their inter-relationship and their aloofness from their subjects was a mitigation of national and racial animosities.

The theory upon which their peculiar custom is based is veneration for the elements.

"Your theory," was the objection, "is nothing but a paper theory; it never was a reality; it never can be.

Her theory of Temperament is an attendant fairy that does marvellous things for her, and not only apportions natures, but corresponding bodies, so that we can easily see how the golden age is to return again, when peradventure deceits shall be impossible, and all the virtues thrive by mere necessity under the reign of this perfected Science of the Soul.

With this conception of Evolution our ordinary estimates of "higher" and "lower" are saved; also the value of our mental processes upon which rests whatever proof the theory may admit of; while the "argument from adaptability" is provided with a firm basis independent of finality.

About this time the theory of Dr. Halley was the chief subject of mathematical conversation; and though I could not but consider him as too much a rival to be appealed to as a judge, yet his reputation determined me to solicit his acquaintance and hazard his opinion.

" "That atonement theory is an uncanny doctrine.


The theory of the Holy Roman Empire had thus become a practical reality.

Have you not, besides, had dreams of an all-Fatherfrom whom, in some mysterious way, all things and beings must derive their source, and that Sonif my theory be trueamong the rest, and above all the rest?' 'Who has not?

This theory now became the basis of my philosophy of life.

A theory is a looking- glass that reflects the past and makes it look like the future, but the glass really hides the future, and when humanity comes to a turn in its course, there is always a smash-up, and a blind groping for the lost path.

And by the evil fruit we know the evil root: the idealistic theory is philosophical nihilism, for it denies the reality of the external world, as the materialism of Spinoza denies a transcendent God and the freedom of the will.

There would be no end of scandal, as the sister theory would only be nonsense.

Fries's theory of knowledge and faith is the empirical counterpart of Fichte's Science of Knowledge.

The theory of each church is the force which determines to what centre the whole shall gravitate.

The now well known kinetic theory of gases is a step so important in the way of explaining seemingly static properties of matter by motion, that it is scarcely possible to help anticipating in idea the arrival at a complete theory of matter, in which all its properties will be seen to be merely attributes of motion.

Her theory was,a suitable education for each, and a Christian education for all.

And especially will this be the case when a theory under consideration is not a truth but an assumption.

Thus the prefatory part of the Timaeus unfolds, in images agreeably to the Pythagoric custom, the theory of the world; and the first part of the Parmenides, or the discussion of ideas, is in fact merely a preamble to the second part, or the speculation of the one; to which however it is essentially preparatory.

" That theory, of course, was the doctrine of the perpetual flux of things as taught by Aristippus of Cyrene, making a man of the world's practical application of the old Heraclitean formula, his influence depending on this, "that in him an abstract doctrine, originally somewhat acrid, had fallen upon a rich and genial nature well fitted to transform it into a theory of practice of considerable stimulative power toward a fair life."

58 Metaphors for  theory