27 Metaphors for ther

"Ther's a deerskin jacket yer," said the old man, "that one o' them vaqueros left for the price of a bottle of whiskey.

But ther' 's still some conservative signs to be found Thet shows the gret heart o' the People is sound: (Excuse me for usin' a stump-phrase agin, But, once in the way on 't, they will stick like sin:) There's Phillips, for instance, hez jes' ketched a Tartar In the Law-'n'-Order Party of ole Cincinnater; An' the Compromise System ain't gone out o' reach, Long 'z you keep the right limits on freedom o' speech; 'T

Now, fine feathersan' ther ain't a finer feather than this in San Lorenzy countydon't make fine birds.

Well, ther's a day of makin' things clear, comin'.

"Rather for Example sake, than that ther is any Great Matter in it.

"And ther was redd the firste parte of the homilie againste whoredome & adulterie, the people ther present exorted to refraine from soche wickedness...").

"Ther ain't no danger.

Pray for me, ther's some silver for thy wants.

"Anyways, ther ain't a happier woman than me in the state of Californy!

ther was a cannon made, in these proper tearmes, or wordes.

Ther was continually some interest accruing on my master's note to my friend the free negro man above named, which I received, and with some besides which I got by fishing, I laid out in land adjoining my old master Stanton's.

So ther 's plenty o' water, an' o' course ther 's fishin'; an' oncet gin 'em poles an' git 'em to work, an' they 're out o' mischief fur that day.

"What that young woman did fer us ter-day ther' ain't no way of repaying; but anything Ike Galloway kin do any time ye kin count on him fer.

"And ther was redd the firste parte of the homilie againste whoredome & adulterie, the people ther present exorted to refraine from soche wickedness...").

Thoy ther be ioi and gret dute.

Ther ain't a ravine, gully, rock, bush, or tree, a foot high, thet he don't hev his eye on.

Ther was also a nonne, a prioresse, That of hire smiling was full simp' and coy, Hire greatest othe was but by Seint Eloy! Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (1388).

So ther 's plenty o' water, an' o' course ther 's fishin'; an' oncet gin 'em poles an' git 'em to work, an' they 're out o' mischief fur that day.

Ye see they comes an' goes, so ther ain't no tellin' jest how big the pack kin be.

Things looks pooty squally, it must be allowed, An' I don't see much signs of a bow in the cloud: Ther' 's too many Decmocratsleaders, wut's wuss Thet go for the Union 'thout carin' a cuss Ef it helps ary party thet ever wuz heard on, So our eagle ain't made a split Austrian bird on.

Ther was a paroch of the Holy Rode beside in Old-Saresbyri and another over the est gate Whereof some tokens remayne.

His mo-ther is stand-ing at the gate: Wil-lie shouts; such a heart-y shout!

Ther was a paroch of the Holy Rode beside in Old-Saresbyri and another over the est gate Whereof some tokens remayne.

Ther' are critters so base thet they want it explained Jes' wut is the totle amount thet we've gained, Ez ef we could maysure stupenjious events By the low Yankee stan'ard o' dollars an' cents: They seem to forgit, thet, sence last year revolved, We've succeeded in gittin' seceshed an' dissolved, An' thet no one can't hope to git thru dissolootion 'Thout sonic kin' o' strain on the best Constitootion.

"Go to," echoed Jerry, "ther ain't anybody kin tell that.

27 Metaphors for  ther