8 Metaphors for thor

Thor was the greatest of nature's conservators.

As though Thor was a thousand miles or so from her thoughts, Iskwao turned over a flat rock and began hunting for grubs and ants, and not to be outdone in this stoic unconcern Thor pulled up a bunch of grass and swallowed it.

Of all the living creatures in this sleeping valley, Thor was the busiest.

Thor was a digger, and his claws were dulled; the black was not a digger, but a tree-climber, and his claws were like knives.

Thor was a most ardent lover when he loved at all, which was only a few days out of the year; and during these days he twisted his mode of living around so that while the spirit possessed him he no longer existed for the sole purpose of eating and growing fat.

Thor, the son of Odin, is the strongest of all the gods.

He rolled upon his back, but Thor was too old a fighter to be caught by that first vicious ripping stroke of the black's hind foot, and he buried his four long flesh-rending teeth to the bone of his enemy's shoulder.

Their Thor and Odin were at first, probably, only the thunder and the wind: but they had to be appeased in the dark marches of the forest, where hung rotting on the sacred oaks, amid carcases of goat and horse, the carcases of human victims.

8 Metaphors for  thor