12 Metaphors for tipping

There are many patterns of spare Ski tip on the market, all of which may be useful in certain circumstances, but I have no doubt that the wooden Ski tip is the best.

" "A tip is a small sum of money you give to somebody because you're afraid he won't like not being paid for something you haven't asked him to do.

The pale green tips of daffodils are a thing of beauty.

Her finger-tips were ice.

But a finger-print is a stamped impressionthe finger-tip being the stamp; and it is only necessary to obtain a stamp identical in character with the finger-tip, in order to produce an impression which is an absolute facsimile, in every respect, of the original, and totally indistinguishable from it.

The tips of the fingers, the edges of the lips, and the tip of the tongue are the most sensitive parts.

In reality, the tip is just an ordinary shoe shortened by truncating the heels.

"Silver Tip is a grizzly," explained Harry, "a grizzly bear you know.

His bow is made of sugar-cane, its string a row of bees, and his arrow-tips are red flower-buds.

The ears of moderate length, set on low and hanging in neat folds close to the cheek; the tip should be velvety, the upper part clothed with fine silky hair.

Samuel Tipping was no ordinary widower.

A dingy little maid-of-all-work opened the door, and said that Mrs. Tipping was out shopping, but would be back soon.

12 Metaphors for  tipping