13 Metaphors for to

"And to-day is Sunday.

Broaching-to is a sudden movement in navigation, when the ship, while scudding before the wind, accidentally turns her side to windward.

" This, most probably, was supposed by the editors to mean, "and completely broke his skull;" but all-to is no proper compound word, and therefore the change is a perversion.

Many government employees seem to think that to is their privilege and prerogative.

The learned and judicious writer to whom is due the first idea of a "Constitutional History of England," and of whose admirable work I here venture to offer a continuation, regards "the spirit of the government" as having been "almost wholly monarchical till the Revolution of 1688," and in the four subsequent reigns, with the last of which his volumes close, as "having turned chiefly to an aristocracy."

If to-day is a fair sample of your life, I'm damned if it's an easy one.

The perfect contrast between from and to, when the former governs the participle and the latter the infinitive, is an other proof that this to is the common preposition to.

So I found Glumgold in among the cabbages and asked him where the Local Food Office was, and he said he'd be gingered if he knew, he or his old woman either; and that was the question they was a-going to arst of us, because to-day was the last day for sending in.

"And that's near enough," he said, "because to-day is Wednesday, and if Mercridi means Wednesday, they'll think I'm signaling 'to-day'; and if it means Thursday, they'll think I'm talking about to-morrow."

Over the banks of the blue Moselle, Rain of rocket and storm of shell! Where to-day is the forehead fair, Crowned with masses of midnight hair?

Nor had Carolyn June forgotten that to-day was Saturday and Parker and the cowboys were expected back from the first half of the beef round-up.

The big wooden lean-to at the back, and the right wing, were at this time the only really habitable parts of the mansion.

If to-night only was every night.

13 Metaphors for  to