36 Metaphors for tobacco

Why then I think tobacco to be a kind of swearing; for it furs our nose pockily.

We have before observed that tobacco is a very exhausting crop to the soil.

And then she quoted our King James, who saith "Tobacco is the Devil's breath.

Leaf tobacco was tenpence a pound, roll one-and-tenpence, snuff two-and-threepence.

All these results tend to prove that tobacco is really a nerve poison, and there is reason to suspect that the nervous breakdown of many men in mature life is often due to the continued use of this depressing agent.

With a partial exception in favor of the hop, tobacco is the sole recognized narcotic of civilization.

But really, in conditions like these, tobacco becomes a serious problem.

"Tobacco was a great trouble to me; and I had tried a number of times to leave it off, but could not do so.

Tobacco was a thing I did not love, and psalms I was not in a state to sing.

A man to whom tobacco is a necessity cannot be always on guard; but it is quite possible that in the present state of Lady Lesbia's feelings Smithson would have had no restraining influence had he been ever so watchful.

If tobacco is a blessing, why should a man be debarred from it because his legs are paralyzed, and he is obliged to live on charity?

Soon tobacco became the money of the colony, and the whole life of Virginia turned on its cultivation.

On the contrary, the poor and rank tobaccoes, grown under a northern sky, are the richest in nicotin.

M. Chevalier proved, from documents, that the assertion made on a former evening, that tobacco was a preservative against cholera, was erroneous.

There was little corn in the land, tobacco being the sole means of payment, and this meant no trade in the common meaning of the word.

In South Carolina rice was the great staple, just as tobacco was the staple of Virginia, and there too were large plantations and no towns.

The tobacco in the fields about Ramleh was the most luxuriant I ever saw, and the olive and fig attain a size and lusty strength wholly unknown in Italy.

Even a tobacconist may, upon consideration, find no great cause for personal vainglory in the phrase; for although tobacco is an admirable sedative, the qualities necessary for retailing it are neither rare nor precious in themselves.

Leaf tobacco was tenpence a pound, roll one-and-tenpence, snuff two-and-threepence.

The celebrated song, "Tobacco is an Indian weed," is traced to George Withers, of the time of James I.

During this excursion Kennedy noticed that the blacks were given to "chewing tobacco in a green state;" but the "tobacco" was, of course, the pituri plant, which they are accustomed to masticate.

Tobacco is also an article of great export, and amounted last year to 94,000 hogsheads, being an increase of two-thirds upon the previous twelve months.

And as there has been some exaggeration in describing the extent to which Tobacco is King, so there has doubtless been some overstatement as to the cruelty of his despotism.

This was because tobacco, cultivated on large estates, was a source of wealth.

Tobacco was their only stay and solace.

36 Metaphors for  tobacco