68 Metaphors for toning

A wild exclamation of joy, of thanksgiving, bursting from Mrs. Greville's lips startled her; for a moment she trembled, yet she could not be mistaken, that tone was joy.

"These half-tones done through coarse screens are never any good," said he.

His tone, his language, could only be the result of conscious innocence.

His tone was the perfection of deferential courtesy.

In the same year, at the "Livre Esthetique," in Brussels, her pictures were thought to combine a charming grace with a sure sense of light effects, in which the predominating tone was a deep silver gray.

Then the tone in which he asked: "Is dinner ready?"

Marjorie's tone could be sharp as well as her mother's.

Her tone was the tone of one seeking reassurance.

"Have you any better authority?" His tone was a challenge.

The tone was drowsy, and seeing his eyelids droop heavily Mrs. John said no more, only breathed a prayer that her little son might fight as bravely for Christ's honour as he did for that of his father's button.

But the ethical tone of a treatise and the ethical interest of its author are not always a guarantee that ethical conceptions have a secure position in his system of thought.

I am off now," he went on, his tone becoming a little kinder.

The tones he brought out were a few notes of an air he and Rosabella had sung in that same room a few months before.

The tone was the more penetrating that it veiled the pride behind it all, the pride namely of an unhealthy conscious individuality, the pride of self as self, which makes a man the center of his own universe, and a mockery to all the demons of the real universe.

Mrs. Orgreave's tone, with all its softness, was a command.

But the predominant tone of the voice of The Corner was this persistent ringing of metal.

Every tone and every syllable was Scotch.

a tone of confident pride)"there is a monstrously fine view from it!one can see seven counties!"

Thirteenth page: "The thrilling tones that concentrate the soul" is a nervous line, and the six first lines of page 14 are very pretty, the twenty-first effusion a perfect thing.

And I could hear her voice still; and the sweet tones in which she sang that very song to me, 'Home, sweet home, there's no place like home.

The result was, that the tones of his piano-forte became to the youth a language in which his highest, deepest, subtilest musical ideas were expressed by his fingers as instantaneously and with as little thought of the mere style and manner of their expression as are the intellectual ideas of the thoroughly trained rhetorician in words.

The lowest tones are the best understood.

The tone of stately blandness which Mrs. Howth erected as a shield between herself and "that class of people" was a study: a success, I think; the résumé of her experience in the combat that had devoured half her life, like that of other American housekeepers.

His tone was his old self, and she did want that house so intensely!

Perchance some lingering tone is there Some cherished melody of yore.

68 Metaphors for  toning