17 Metaphors for utility

If utility is the ultimate source of moral obligations, utility may be invoked to decide between them when their demands are incompatible.

The utility of the animals as a store of future food is undoubtedly the most durable reason for maintaining them; but I think it was probably not so early a motive as the chief's pleasure in possessing them.

Utility, similarly, is the chief factor which ultimately determines the conditions of demand.

Its utility and its universality are hand in hand, whether in the magnificent iron steamship of the ocean, the network of iron rail upon land, the electric gossamer of the air, or in the most insignificant articles of building, of clothing, and of convenience.

Here utility was lord and a great profusion of products was raised for the table.

A bald utility has been the anticipated genius of our public policy.

If, then, utility is the criterion of truth, theismeven in the mild form of deismis proven erroneous by its disastrous consequences.

of what utility are the servants of the state?"

The utility which a business man derives from the things which he buys for business purposes is the extra receipts which he obtains thereby.

We are continually informed that Utility is an uncertain standard, which every different person interprets differently, and that there is no safety but in the immutable, ineffaceable, and unmistakeable dictates of Justice, which carry their evidence in themselves, and are independent of the fluctuations of opinion.

The great utility of pasture is, of course, the comparatively cheap production of meat, which goes to feed the population in cities.

He was after novelty, and utility was always a secondary consideration with him.

And social utility is the only test.

Perfection is internal (real, objective) purposiveness, and utility is external purposiveness, both for a definite purpose; beauty, on the other hand, is purposiveness without a purpose, formal, subjective purposiveness.

But is utility the only creed which is able to furnish us with excuses for evil doing, and means of cheating our own conscience?

The maximum utility which the laws of supply and demand tend to bring about is a maximum total utility indeed, but one still measured in terms of money.

If it be a true belief that God desires, above all things, the happiness of his creatures, and that this was his purpose in their creation, utility is not only not a godless doctrine, but more profoundly religious than any other.

17 Metaphors for  utility