13 Metaphors for wads

Oo it was?" "'Twas only one man wad is a foolizh.

However, David,' continued she, 'I dinna doubt but ye will mak' a gude husband; for ye're a sensible, and I really think a deservin' lad; and were it nae mair than your name, the name o' Stuart wad be a passport to my heart.

" "That reminds me of some poetry, or rather doggerel," said Mr. Harry, "that I cutout of a newspaper for you yesterday;" and he drew from his pocket a little slip of paper, and read this: "Do doggies gang to heaven, Dad? Will oor auld Donald gang? For noo to tak' him, faither wi' us, Wad be maist awfu' wrang.

But mind that, while ye wad be comfortable wi' your cronies, my bairn wad be frettin' her lane; and though she might say naething when ye cam hame, that wadna be the way to wear her love round your neck like a chain of gold; but, night after night, it wad break away link by link, till the whole was lost; and if ye didna hate, ye wad soon find ye were disagreeable to each other.

But mind that, while ye wad be comfortable wi' your cronies, my bairn wad be frettin' her lane; and though she might say naething when ye cam hame, that wadna be the way to wear her love round your neck like a chain of gold; but, night after night, it wad break away link by link, till the whole was lost; and if ye didna hate, ye wad soon find ye were disagreeable to each other.

Or were I in the wildest waste, Sae black and bare, sae black and bare, The desert were a paradise If thou wert there, if thou wert there; Or were I monarch of the globe, Wi' thee to reign, wi' thee to reign, The brightest jewel in my crown Wad be my queen, wad be my queen.

He was a wise man, that doctor; he knew how Jamie wad be feelin' just then, and he turned away.

The wad was the torn leaf of a hymn book.

The day before her death, she took my hand, and 'Davy,' says she to me'Davy,' poor body, she repeated (I think I hear her yet)'it wad been a great comfort to me if I had seen ye settled wi' a decent partner before I dee'd; but it's no to be.' "Weel, as I was saying, my mither dee'd, and I found the house very dowie without her.

Wads were not a commercial commodity in those days.

that wad be a bonny boorlesque on a' warldly honours and dignities.

In Britain aboot the longest trip one wad be like to make wad be frae London tae Glasga or the other way around.

That wad be a just price and we ought to be satisfied.

13 Metaphors for  wads