17 Metaphors for wasted

It seems strange, perhaps, that the sandy wastes of the North-East, and its rather arid, dour population, should have become the centre of growth for the new German nation, considering the latter's possession of its own rich and vital characteristics, and its own fertile and beautiful lands; but so it was.

The wastes are playgrounds (and let us try to keep them such for the children's children who will inherit no other sort of demesne); the grasses and reeds nod to each other over the river, but we have cut a canal close by; the very heights laugh with corn in August or lift the plough-team against the sky in September.

"To what purpose is this waste?" Into your railway carriage comes the young wife of a rajah.

You mean, I suppose, that, in spite of the loss of the best stock and the disabling of strong young men, and the disintegration of families, and the hideous waste of time and moneysubtracting all thatthere is a balance of good to the survivors?" "Yes, I think so," said Lestrange.

It was on his lips to tell her not to do that; waste in the wilderness is a crime.

Waste and debt were the consequences; and when he had, under a thousand pretences, extorted from his father all the money he could, he began, on arriving in Padua, to apply to Sophia, whom he neglected, at least did not see as often as he might, though he still loved her.

The following from Evangeline illustrates the substitution of trochees for dactyls: U U | U | U U | U U | U U | U | Waste are those pleasant farms, and the farmers forever departed.

The waste of time, the weariness, and sometimes the expense of 'bus or train thus imposed on them, is in thousands of cases a heavy tax upon their industrial life.

We may take it as certain that, during the three serious wars above named, the annual waste was never less than 6 per cent.

The thought causes me to burst into song," and he chanted ridicuously: "Given a tight tin stove, asbestos fluff, A match of wood, an iron key, and, puff, Thou, Natural Gas, wilt warm the Arctic wastes, And Arctic wastes are Paradise enough.

" "But waste of time is; a sinful waste of time; and evil-passions, and all unrighteousness.

The immense expense and waste caused by present litigation, the complete uncertainty both as to liability and as to the amount of damages, the general fraud, oppression, and deceit that the present system leads to, and finally its hideous waste and extravagance, are all reasons for doing away with it entirely.

I remember also to have read somewhere that such waste of time in diplomacy and palavering is the favourite resource of feeble and timid minds, who regard the use of dilatory and ambiguous measures as an evidence of the most admirable and consummate prudence.

The prodigious waste, which we experience in this unhappy part of our species, is a full and melancholy evidence of this truth."

A trustworthy zealous servant must keep in mind, that waste and extravagance are no proofs of skill.

Waste is a thing that no good shoemaker ever yet could endure.

Wasting is a participle, governed by of; and time is a noun, governed by wasting.

17 Metaphors for  wasted