5 Metaphors for wilder

Although prepared to believe that Wilder was a secret agent of the Rover, she had endeavoured to hope his connexion with the freebooters was susceptible of some explanation more favourable to his character.

the agent of his punishments, who had entered at the well-known summons, had retired, he again turned to the firm and motionless form that stood before him, and continued: "Mr Wilder, there is a law which binds this community, into which you have so treacherously stolen, together, that would consign you, and your miserable confederates, to the yard-arm the instant your true character should be known to my people.

Of all this delay, the several movements on board, the subsequent signal of sailing, and of the impatience in the crowd, Wilder had been a grave and close observer.

"Wilder is a fool or he wouldn't leave his herd unguarded at the Witches' Pool." "You'll find he's smarter than you think.

Wilder was a young lawyer of great promise, and was the active man in the criminal cases.

5 Metaphors for  wilder