4 Metaphors for wut

Mazaro, in a few quick words, looking at his pretty foot the while, told the other on no account to go near the Café des Exilés, as there were two men hanging about there, evidently watching for him, and "Wut's the use o' that?" asked Galahad; "I say, wut's the use o' that?" Major Shaughnessy's habit of repeating part of his words arose from another, of interrupting any person who might be speaking.

Wut is the news?

"Wut's the use o' grapplin' two cut-throats, when" "Madjor Shaughnessy!" cried M. D'Hemecourt, losing all self-control.

Why, law an' order, honor, civil right, Ef they ain't wuth it, wut is wuth a fight?

4 Metaphors for  wut