7 Metaphors for youngsters

They sent word to David: "The youngster is a stout fellow.

Ah, youngsters, earth is a wonderful treasure house!"

That youngster there," pointing to Ned, "is real grit.

But this brown-faced youngster was a card.

From this preliminary statement we may deduce two facts: firstly, that baby Hector was not destined by his stern-visaged, paternal sire for any other than the martial profession, and secondly, that the squealing youngster of those days is now a man in the prime of life.

As they drew alongside, Growler muttered in a not unfriendly whisper: "Look here, youngsters, here's a word of advice that may save you your skins.

Could you remember what you were, Unharnessed and untouched by spur, These youngsters that you drive away Would be your comrades here to-day.

7 Metaphors for  youngsters