52 Words to use with aeroplanes

"By the time we go camping I'll know a cat track from a squirrel's, or never put a detector on my head again." Piloted by Frank, the two young scouts made their way to the office of the local paper, which had already placed a large bulletin announcing the aeroplane model competition in its window.

I was anxious to inspect the Prescott type of monoplane before visiting another aeroplane plant in this neighborhood, thethe" The officer drew out a small morocco covered notebook and referred to it.

BAKER, WILLARD F. Bob Dexter and the aeroplane mystery; or, The secret of the jint san.

I'll get me a job in an aeroplane-factory.

Dawson, and inspectors like him, have these men everywherein shipyards, in shell shops, in gun factories, in aeroplane sheds, everywhere.

Eyes are used, but they are the eyes of an aeroplane overhead, or of a spy in the enemy's lines.

But this clearance hardly showed in aeroplane photographs, as there were already many bare patches in the woods.

The guns were firing, the sounds of bursts of musketry were carried down on the wind, whilst droning aeroplane engines in the deep-blue vault overhead told of our flying men denying a passage to enemy machines.

I have seen one aeroplane swoop down out of the blue to attack a formation of six enemy machines, sending one crashing to earth and dispersing the remainder.

Most of our pre-arranged counter-battery shoots were carried out with aeroplane observation against enemy Batteries situated in the thick woods on the slopes of the northern ridge, the airman flying backwards and forwards over the target and sending us his observations by wireless.

Lionel Walrond, Uffculme, Devon, Robert James, 97, is felling for the purpose of aeroplane construction aspen trees which he helped to plant 80 years ago.

French warships of light draft later joined the British monitors and destroyers and assisted in patrolling the coast, shelling German positions wherever the latter could be discovered by the aeroplane scouts.

but with in-, finitely greater dispatch and certainty by the telephone, and by the aeroplane man, and most of all by the air currents of the wireless equipment.

*** Mr. KELLAWAY informed the House of Commons the other day that the War Office has forty million yards of surplus aeroplane linen.

All the other aeroplane hives fairly radiated activity.

He had half a mind to return to the farm and bring the aeroplane home himself.

The humming is the vibration of their wings while flyingfor the same reason that a blue-bottle or an aeroplane hums.

" "Well, let it be a lesson to you," said Chet with mock gravity, "never to let your ambitions soar to aeroplane inventing.

JOKELY"I got a batch of aeroplane jokes ready and sent them out last week.

triumphs of the venturesome aeroplane lads are set forth in a particularly thrilling manner in the third volume of this series, now on sale everywhere, and which is entitled, "The Bird Boys Among the Clouds; or, Young Aviators in a Wreck.

"Let's get out the Golden Butterfly and follow the" "Silver Cobweb!" cried Roy, the name occurring to him in a flash of inspiration as he watched the filmy outlines of the other aeroplane melt in the distance.

It was equipped with an engine of the latest make, weighing only a third as much as the average aeroplane motor and a triumph of modern scientific discovery.

But they wouldn't grin as much as they would if they saw the enemy plunking shells into another hedge two hundred yards distant, where the German aeroplane observer thought he had seen a battery and had not.

*** Aeroplane passengers are advised by one enterprising weekly not to throw bottles out of the machine.

It is merely an indication that we are behindhand in our mechanical knowledge and invention M. Blériot's aeroplane points also to the fleet.

52 Words to use with  aeroplanes