24 Words to use with aircraft

Manual of aircraft layout, by Rudolph Faltus & Charles Steinmetz.

Aircraft welding.

Test 2: Aircraft engines, provisional form A. By R. H. Drake, K. V. Jackman & others.

BERGHELL, ALFRED B. Production engineering in the aircraft industry.

DEVEREAUX, RAYMOND J. Composite aircraft manufacture and inspection.

Test 1: Aerodynamics and aircraft structures, provisional form A. By R. H. Drake, K. V. Jackman, Alexander Joseph & others.

[ships of war] man-of-war; destroyer; submarine; minesweeper; torpedo-boat, torpedo-destroyer; patrol torpedo boat, PT boat; torpedo- catcher, war castle, H.M.S.; battleship, battle wagon, dreadnought, line of battle ship, ship of the line; aircraft carrier, carrier.

Daylight on Saturday; a novel about an aircraft factory.

Aircraft drafting.

Aircraft history.

Aircraft identification for fighting airmen.

Aircraft maintenance and repair.

Complete model aircraft manual.

Aircraft vibration and flutter, by Carl Roger Freberg & Emory N. Kemler.

WELLS, T. A. Manual of aircraft materials and manufacturing processes.

Aircraft book for boys, by D. Verrill.

What with the aircraft strike at Coventry and the activities of Lord LANSDOWNE, LENIN and others, this has been a great week for Pacifists and Pro-Bosches.

The heady smell of machine oil hung in the air, not heavy like that of an aircraft hangar but attractive and energizing, almost like a perfume.

During the day's fighting an aircraft gun of the Third Army Corps succeeded in bringing down a German aeroplane.

And when he needs them he has aircraft observations to help him, too.

(6) Aircraft assistance in the shape of three large seaplane stations on the coast of Ireland, with some 36 machines at each station.

Mr. Tennant has promised his sympathetic consideration to Mr. Billing's offer personally to organise raids on the enemy's aircraft bases, and the House is bearing up as well as can be expected under the shadow of this impending bereavement.

When the Turkish retreat began the enemy was bombed and machine-gunned for a full week, the railway, aerodromes, troops on the march, artillery, and transport being hit time and again, and five smashed aeroplanes and a large quantity of aircraft stores of every description were found at Menshiye alone.

When I entered Beersheba our troops held a line of outposts sufficiently far north of the town to prevent the Turks shelling it, and the place was secure except from aircraft bombs, of which a number fell into the town without damaging anything of much consequence.

24 Words to use with  aircraft