6 Words to use with album

Strictly speaking, he should have all my album-verses; but a very intimate friend importuned me for the trifles, and I believe I forgot Mr. Watts, or lost sight at the time of his similar "Souvenir."

There was an album quilt, among her possessions, which I never grew tired of admiring.

The photographic album ed.

Here should come a letter to Alaric A. Watts dated Dec. 28, 1824, in reply to a request for a contribution to one of this inveterate album-maker's albums.

Hervey was Thomas Kibble Hervey (1799-1859), a great album poet.

Sarah,your other name I know not, And fine encomiums I bestow not, Regard me as an utter stranger, A hair-brain'd, hasty, album-ranger, Heaven shield you, Girl, from every danger!

6 Words to use with  album