157 Words to use with apple

Without any apparent exigency of climate or soil, it remains near the ground, throwing out crooked, divergent branches like an orchard apple-tree, and seldom pushes a single shoot higher than fifteen or twenty feet above the ground.

The birds held high carnival around him,nesting in the large cherry tree, playing hide and seek among the fragrant apple blossoms and making the air melodious with their merry songs.

Windy interrupted his own music for further refreshment, pausing an instant, with his mouth full of dried-apple pie to say: "Congress has sent out a relief expedition to Dawson.

Serve with apple-sauce.

Bertrand had a lay of Normandy, about a lady who walked in the apple-orchards and fell in love with a wandering minstrel; and Donaldson sang a rough ballad of Virginia, in which a man weighs the worth of his wife against a tankard of apple-jack.

it is like a demy-cannon, carved up and down like an apple-tart."

Apple puddings may also be boiled in a cloth without a basin; but, when made in this way, must be served without the least delay, as the crust so soon becomes heavy.

This will promote cheerfulness, and, at the same time, save for picnic duty proper the contents of the stone jars that are slumbering sweetly among the pork-pies and apple-dumplings by which the lunch-baskets are occupied.

Old birds are neither caught with salt nor chaff: They watch you from the apple bough and laugh.

Garnish between the almonds with strips of apple jelly, and place in the centre of the ring a small quantity of strawberry jam; pile them high on the dish, and serve.

I rusht madly into the street, runnin' into an old apple woman, nockin' her "gally west.

There was a moment, indeedwhen he came with Rush to supper at the apple house and got his first look at the transformation she had wrought in itwhen that possibility must have been in the minds of every one who saw his face.

The place was some kind of inn, for a negro brought us two tankards of apple-jack, and tobacco pipes, and lit a foul-smelling lantern, which he set between us.

Have ready a white apple marmalade, made by recipe No. 1395; cover the bottom of the dish with this, level it, and lay the apples in a sieve to drain, pile them neatly on the marmalade, making them high in the centre, and place a preserved cherry in the middle of each.

Horse-radish, crane's-bill, strawberry, and herb-gerard are old remedies for gout, and in Westphalia apple-juice mixed with saffron is administered for jaundice; while an old remedy for boils is dock-tea.

Even old Jock, the village tavern-keeper, not by any means the best man in the world, had come waddling down to the landing with a demijohn of old "apple-brandy;" and his gift had been kindly accepted, by the special advice of the village physician.

Make a batter, the same as for apple fritters No. 1393; cut some slices of bread and butter, not very thick; spread half of them with any jam that may he preferred, and cover with the other slices; slightly press them together, and cut them out in square, long, or round pieces.

There will be apple-cake, that is what I meant," Edi said with a sigh, for now he saw again all the things for which he had wished so much more than apple-cake.

With apple blooms She is roofing over the glimmering rooms; Of the oak and the beech hath she builded its beams, And, spinning all day at her secret looms, With arras of leaves

We were offered dates, kouskousou, and a seed which they call sgougou, and which has the appearance of dried apple-seed.

Death visits the apple hole.

"I want to see Jim's honest grin again as much as you do, but we must tell him before Thorpe When I upset an apple-cart, I like to see the apple rolling about, don't you?"

Ken did find woodnot in the woodshed, but strewing the orchard grass; hard old apple-wood, gray and tough.

It was a bad part of the city, full of dirt and deviltry; one of the streets led to a ferry, and at the corner an old woman had an apple-stall.

Dotty crouched behind an apple barrel, and listened.

157 Words to use with  apple