6 Words to use with architecture

Roman architecture First form of a Christian church The change to the Romanesque Its peculiarities Its connection with Monasticism Gloomy aspect of the churches of the tenth and eleventh centuries Effect of the Crusades on church architecture Church architecture becomes cheerful

I regret exceedingly that our time did not allow us to view the interior, for outwardly it not only surpasses St. Sophia, and all other mosques in the city, but is undoubtedly one of the purest specimens of Oriental architecture extant.

It is quite true that the later epics take over, to a very great extent, the methods and manners of the earlier poems; just as architecture hands on the style of wooden structure to an age that builds in stone, and again imposes the manners of stone construction on an age that builds in concrete and steel.

What does architecture matter, for instance?" "Some of it matters very little indeed," concurred his sister blandly.

There is a new incumbent who is striving to modify things as well as his people and their architecture permit, and who preached an excellent sermon.

Elevé sur les dessins de l'architecte Marchand, il était surtout remarquable par son architecture simple, ses nombreuses devises, les chiffres amoureux et les emblèmes allégoriques qui le décoroient, et qui faisoient une ingénieuse allusion à la passion du monarque pour sa mâitresse.

6 Words to use with  architecture